How to use lots

This topic describes what you can do with lots.

To create a new lot

In the warehouse-receipts procedure, you can generate a new lot code or enter an existing lot code.

To generate a new lot code for a received quantity, click Generate Lot in one of the sessions in which` you enter receipts. LN uses a mask to generate a lot code.

You can manually create lots in the Item - Lot (whltc1100m000) session.

To convert a nonlot item into a lot item, use the Convert (to) Lot Item (whltc1202m000) session.


If the Generate Lots Automatically check box in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session had been selected, LN automatically generates lots wherever needed, for example, upon receipt of goods.

To enter lot information

You can fill in the specifics of each lot in the Item - Lot (whltc1100m000) session.

A lot can be of type Purchase or of type Production. For lots of type Purchase, you can record the supplier and the supplier lot number.

You can specify additional lot selection codes in the Lot Selection Codes (whltc1110m000) session.

You can freely define variable lot features, such as color, quality class, and so on, and record the relevant features by lot for particular items. For more information, refer to Variable lot features.

Lot date

You can record a date for each lot. You can use these dates to retrieve lots based on the outbound priority.

You can use the Lot Date field in two ways:

For more information, refer to Lot Date.

To block lots

Lots can be blocked for all transactions or only for inbound and outbound movement or transhipment. Blocked lots are recorded by the user's login code and can be unblocked only by using the same login code that blocked the lots. For more information, refer to To block and unblock.

To delete lots

All lot data for a particular selection can be deleted if the following values for that lot are zero:

You can delete lots with the Delete Lots (whltc1200m000) session.

To use lots in purchase orders and sales orders

In purchase order lines and sales order lines, you must set the Lot Selection field to one of the following values:

  • Any
    The goods to be received or shipped are not subject to specific lot conditions. You can use more than one lot.
  • Same
    You can select any lot for receipt or shipment, but the entire receipt or shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific
    You can receive or ship only one, specific lot.
Lot pricing

If you use the inventory valuation method of Lot Price (Lot), LN calculates a separate valuation price for each lot.

For more information, refer to Lot pricing.

Engineering revisions

If the Engineering Revisions in Lot Control check box in the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0500m000) session is selected, you can record the revision of the item for which inbound or outbound movements are performed.

For more information, refer to Engineering Revisions in Lot Control.