Lot tracking

Lot tracking establishes where lots are used and traces the origin of lots.

Lot tracking consists of several print and display sessions that provide an overview of both the origin and the destination of lots. Origins can be shown from the lowest to the highest levels. The lot codes of the raw materials can be shown as well as all levels, from purchase to sales, provided that each level in the bill of material is lot controlled.

The following lot tracking overview sessions are available:

  • Item - Lots - Issues (whltc3500m000)
  • Item - Lots - Receipts (whltc3501m000)
  • Order - Lots (whltc3502m000)

The following lot tracking print sessions are available:

  • Print Issues for Lots and Serials (whltc3400m000)
  • Print Receipts for Lots and Serials (whltc3401m000)

If the Lot Entry During Receipt field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session has the value No, LN does not properly track the lots.

If the Lot Entry During Transfer field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session has the value No, the lot-tracking session do not show transfer orders.

To turn on lot tracking

To turn on lot tracking, in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session, select the Lot Tracking check box.