Warehousing assembly orders

Warehousing assembly orders are used to collect goods in order to assemble them into one item. You can manually create warehousing assembly orders in the Warehousing Assembly Order (whinh2101m000) session.

Warehousing assembly orders transform goods within the warehouse. A warehousing assembly order, orders you to pick and combine a number of items to produce an end item that remains in the warehouse. The bill of materials for this operation is derived from the kit definition in the List Components (tcibd3100m000) session.

When a warehousing assembly order is created, LN generates:

  • Outbound-order lines for each component of the kit to be transferred to the assembly warehouse or location.
  • An inbound-order line to store the item to be assembled.

Performing a receipt on this warehouse order line registers that the operation has been completed and the item to be assembled can be put away as if it were a received item.

However, assembly can occur in an assembly location, though the available inventory figures for the main warehouse will be inaccurate during the assembly process.

The assembled item is a list item whose components are registered in the List Components (tcibd3100m000) session. A warehousing-order line of type Issue is generated for each component.

You cannot delete a warehousing assembly order if outbound-order lines are present. You cannot modify a warehousing assembly order if outbound-order lines are present with status other than Open.

Every manual modification of the warehousing assembly order or order line is registered in the Warehousing Assembly Order History (whinh2551m000) session.