How to define a warehousing procedure

Step 1. Define procedure

In the Warehousing Procedures (whinh0105m000) session, define the identification code, the description and the procedure type of the warehousing procedure. The following warehousing procedure types are available:

  • Receipt Procedure
    This procedure controls the receipts of goods
  • Inspection Procedure
    The inspection procedure controls the inspection of goods received at the warehouse.
  • Outbound Procedure
    The outbound procedure controls the issue of goods. This procedure can include outbound inspections.
  • Shipment Procedure
    The shipment procedure controls staging and shipping of goods.
Step 2. Add activities to procedure

After you create a warehousing procedure, you must add activities to the procedure. To add activities, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session, in the Procedure field, select the procedure to which you want to add activities. As a result, LN displays the available activities related to the procedure type of the warehousing procedure you just selected. For example, if you defined a receipt procedure in the Warehousing Procedures (whinh0105m000) session and select this receipt procedure in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session, LN displays the available receipt activities. For further information, see Default activities by procedure.
  2. To add an activity to the procedure, select the Applicable check box next to the activity. Note that most procedures have a few mandatory activities, such as Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) in the Receipt Procedure, or Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session in the Outbound Procedure. Mandatory activities are pre-selected by LN and read-only. For further information, see Applicable.
  3. To specify that the added activity must be carried out automatically, select the Automatic check box. If you do not select this check box, the user must manually trigger the activity.
  4. For activities that involve printing documents, such as storage lists or shipping documents, in the Output Device field, select one of the output devices available in your organization.
Step 3. Link procedure to Warehousing Order Type

To link the procedure to warehousing orders, in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session, link the warehousing procedure to a warehousing-order type. As a result, the warehousing procedure is the default procedure for the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated.

Step 4. Link Warehousing Order Type to Order Origin

To link the warehousing order type to order origins, in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session, link the warehousing order type to an order origin. As a result, the warehousing order type (with the warehousing procedure previously allocated) is the default warehousing order type for warehousing orders generated from orders of the order origin to which the warehousing order type is linked.

Performance aspects

Keeping warehousing order line activities in your system after the warehousing order is closed results in considerable data growth. If you do not want to remove warehousing orders with status Closed, an alternative way to reduce the number of records in your system is to remove the order line activities of closed orders. To do this, in the Remove Warehousing Orders (whinh2250m000) session, select the Line Activities of Closed Orders check box. For further information, see Remove order line activities of closed orders.