Cross-dock Restriction Rules (whinh6151m000)

Use this session to maintain the rules associated with a cross-dock restriction definition.

To add rules to a definition, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the New button. LN enters '1' in the Rule field, identifying the first condition.
  2. Select appropriate values for the following fields:
    • Order Origin
    • Order Type
    • Supply System
    • Shortage
  3. Repeat the previous steps for any other rules that you wish to define.

A rule in which the Order Origin, Supply System and Shortage fields are set to Not Applicable and the Order Type field is left empty, is always valid. As a result, when the associated cross-dock restriction definition is used, LN will never generate cross-dock orders. Therefore, should you define such a rule, you will receive a warning message.


Restriction Definition
A user-defined set of rules that LN uses to determine whether to create cross-dock orders. The rules are checked one after the other. If a valid condition is met, no cross-dock orders will be created. If no rule applies, LN permits creation of cross-dock orders. Cross-dock restriction rules are taken into account regardless of the use of direct material supply.
The number that identifies the rule.
Order Origin
The order origin for which this rule is applicable. The value Not Applicable means that the order origin is ignored when validating this rule.
Order Type
The warehousing order type for which the cross-dock restriction is applicable. If this field is left empty, this means that the order type is ignored when validating this rule.
Supply System
The supply system for which the cross-dock restriction is applicable. The value Not Applicable means that the supply system is ignored when validating this rule.
Indicates whether a shortage must occur to make this rule applicable. The value Not Applicable means that shortage (whether or not existing) is ignored when validating this rule.


Print Cross-dock Restriction Rules
Starts the Print Cross-dock Restriction Rules (whinh6451m000) session.