Cross-dock Restriction Definitions (whinh6150m000)

Use this session to to maintain cross-dock restriction definitions using the Cross-dock Restriction Rules (whinh6151m000) session.

To create a cross-dock order restriction definition, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the New button.
  2. In the Definition field, enter a code.
  3. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description.
  4. On the appropriate menu, choose Cross-dock Restriction Rules to add rules to this definition.


Cross-dock Restriction Definition
A user-defined set of rules that LN uses to determine whether to create cross-dock orders. The rules are checked one after the other. If a valid condition is met, no cross-dock orders will be created. If no rule applies, LN permits creation of cross-dock orders. Cross-dock restriction rules are taken into account regardless of the use of direct material supply.


Print Cross-dock Restriction Rules
Starts the Print Cross-dock Restriction Rules (whinh6451m000) session.
Cross-dock Restriction Rules
Starts the Cross-dock Restriction Rules (whinh6151m000) session.