Generate Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5200m000)

Use this session to generate cycle-count orders. For every stockpoint in the selection range, LN determines whether the stockpoint must be cycle counted.


Non Handling Unit Inventory
If this check box is selected, inventory that is not stored as handling units is counted.
Handling Unit Inventory
If this check box is selected, inventory that is stored as handling units is counted.
Handling Unit Structure Level
Specify whether LN must count the top level handling units or the lowest level handling units of the handling unit inventory.
If this check box is selected, this cycle counting order must be used to compare the inventory of LN with the inventory of the WMS system. The purpose is to reconcile any discrepancies between LN and the WMS system. In addition, if you select this check box, the Force Cycle Count check box is selected.

The ( Reconciliation) Order Creation Allowed in LN setting in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session determines whether reconciliation orders can be generated.

Exclude Location Allocated Items
If this check box is selected, LN does not generate a cycle count order line for stockpoints with location allocated inventory.
Force Cycle Count
If this check box is selected, all stockpoints found in the selection are added to a cycle count order, even if the stockpoints are not yet due for cycle counting.
Count based on Inventory Value
If this check box is selected, the Inventory Value fields become available. If you enter an inventory value range in these fields, a cycle count order is generated for inventory whose inventory value falls within this range.

The inventory value is calculated as follows:

FTP price of item * Inventory Quantity

The inventory quantity is calculated as follows:

Quantity on Hand - Consignment on Hand - Rejected on Hand
Count New Items
If this check box is selected, cycle counting order lines are generated for new items that were earlier never handled in the logistic process.
Selection Range
Last Counting Date
The last counting date is the last date on which the stockpoint was calculated before the current date and time. If you enter a range, stockpoints whose last counting date falls within the range are included in the cycle counting order. However, note that if the Force Cycle Count check box is selected, LN disregards the last counting date and generates a cycle counting order for the stockpoints that match the other criteria of the selected range.
Inventory Value
If you enter an inventory value range in the Inventory Value From and To fields, a cycle count order is generated for inventory whose value falls within this range, provided that the Count based on Inventory Value check box is selected.

The inventory value is calculated as follows:

FTP price of item * Inventory Quantity

The inventory quantity is calculated as follows:

Quantity on Hand - Consignment on Hand - Rejected on Hand
Cycle Counting Report
If this check box is selected, the list of stockpoints to be counted is printed.

If you select the Print Inventories and Print Serials check boxes, the system inventory and serial numbers are also printed on the list.

Print Inventories
If this check box is selected, the system inventory is also printed on the cycle count list.
Print Serials
If this check box is selected, the serial numbers are printed on the cycle count list if the cycle count order concerns a serialized item.
Log Report
If this check box is selected, the list of stockpoints to be counted is printed.
Error Report
If this check box is selected, an error report is printed that lists any errors that occur during the cycle count order generation process.
The code of the series for the cycle counting orders.
The description or name of the code.
Maximum Number of Order Lines per Order
The maximum number of cycle counting order lines to be generated for each order.
Max. Number of Stock Points to be Counted
The maximum number of stockpoints to be counted.
Counting List by
The sequence in which the cycle counting orders is generated.

Allowed values:

  • Warehouse/Order/Zone/Location
  • Warehouse/Order/Row/Level/Bin
  • Order/Warehouse/Zone/Location
  • Order/Warehouse/Row/Level/Bin


Starts the process to generate cycle counting orders.