Cycle Counting Order Line Ownership (whinh5105m000)

Use this session to view and maintain ownership records for cycle counting order lines. If a cycle count results in a variance, cycle counting order line ownership records are manually created or generated.

Generated ownership records

LN generates cycle counting order line ownership records if one of the following applies:

  • For the item and the warehouse, the value of the Ownership Registration Level field in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session is either of the following:

    • Location
    • Physical Item and Location
  • For positive variances:

    The owner of the items is inserted on the adjustment order line.

  • For negative variances, one of the following applies:

    • For the item and the warehouse, the value of the Ownership Registration Level field in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session is Physical Item.
    • On the cycle counting order line, the value for the issue strategy is Restricted.
    • On the cycle counting order line, the value for the issue ownership is Company Owned.
    • The item is a low volume serialized item.

Ownership records are generated when the cycle counting order line is created. You can change the ownership records until the cycle counting order line is processed.

Manually create ownership records

You can manually create ownership records if the current cycle counting order line is not processed and if the total quantity of the ownership records does not exceed the quantity of the variance. However, note that various settings determine whether you can manually update the Inventory Discrepancies Paid By field.

Update and delete ownership records

You can delete or update manually created cycle counting order line ownership records if the cycle counting order line is not processed.

Ownership records for cycle counting order lines are deleted if the cycle counting order line is deleted, or if the variance is changed. Ownership records are also deleted after the cycle counting order lines are processed.


If no ownership records are present for the entire variance quantity when the cycle counting order line is processed, LN generates ownership records based on the value of the Issue Strategy field of the cycle counting order line and the ownership Ownership Issue Priority defined in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.

If no inventory is available for the preferred business partner, LN selects inventory owned by other business partners, or, if not available, owned inventory.

Related topics


The order number of the cycle-count order.
The number of counts that are performed on one or more lines of this order.

A recount can be initiated in the Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000) session or in the Approve Cycle Counting Variances (whinh5801m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the ownership details are manually created. For further information about manually or automatically created ownership records, refer to the session help of the current session.
The position number of the cycle count order line.
The code of the warehouse to which the cycle counting order applies.
A distinct place in a warehouse where goods are stored.

A warehouse can be divided into locations to manage the available space, and to locate the stored goods. Storage conditions and blocks can be applied to individual locations.

In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.
Variance (Storage Unit)
The difference between the quantity registered in LN and the quantity counted at the stockpoint, expressed in the storage unit. This is the quantity for which ownership records are created, either manually or automatically. For further information, refer to the session help of this session.
Variance (Storage Unit)
The storage unit used to express the variance.
The identification of the ownership record for the cycle counting order line.
Lots and Serials Sequence
The sequence number of the group of low volume serial numbers of the items comprising the variance of the cycle counting order line. These serial numbers are displayed in the Cycle Counting Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000) session.
Company Owned Inventory
If this check box is selected, the inventory for which the cycle counting order line ownership record is created is company owned.
Quantity (Storage Unit)
The quantity for the current owner, expressed in the storage unit. You can create ownership records for more than one owner, including the own company, provided that the total quantity of all ownership records does not exceed the total variance quantity of the cycle counting order line. For further information, see the session help of this session.
The storage unit used to express the quantity of the current owner.
Quantity (Inventory Unit)
The aggregated quantity of the ownership records created for the current cycle counting order line. This quantity cannot exceed the total variance quantity.
The Ownership for the current ownership record. The value is defaulted from the cycle counting order line. This field is applicable if the variance is positive or if the item is a low volume serialized item.
The owner of the items.

The default value in this field is taken from the cycle counting order line. This field is applicable if the variance is positive and mandatory if the ownership behavior is customer owned or consigned.

Note that the owner must be an active business partner at the order date.

Issue from Business Partner
The business partner who owns the items comprising the variance.The default value in this field is taken from the cycle counting order line.

This field is empty if:

  • The variance is positive.
  • The value of the Issue Ownership field on the cycle counting order line is Company Owned

If the items comprising the variance are low volume serialized items, this field is read-only and the value in this field is taken from the cycle counting order line.

Note that the owner must be an active business partner at the order date.

Inventory Discrepancies Paid By
The party that is to pay for lost or damaged goods if negative variances occur.

You cannot manually update this field:

  • If the value of the Issue Ownership field on the cycle counting order line is:

    • Company Owned or Company Owned or Consigned, in which case the value in the current field is Own Company.
    • Customer Owned, in which case the value in the current field is Owner.
  • If the Inventory Discrepancies Paid by Business Partner check box of the Logistics Terms and Conditions (tctrm1140m000) session is seleced, in which case the value in the current field is Owner.

Allowed values

  • According to Terms and Conditions

    The issue-from business partner shown in the Issue from Business Partner field pays for the lost or damaged goods.

    However, if the Inventory Discrepancies Paid by Business Partner check box of the Logistics Terms and Conditions (tctrm1140m000) session is cleared, the own company is to pay.

  • Owner
    The owner of the counted inventory pays for the lost or damaged goods.
  • Own Company
    The own company pays for the lost or damaged goods.
  • Not Applicable

    Payment for inventory discrepancies is not applicable if:


Use this command to generate the ownership record for the current cycle counting order line. LN generates an ownership records based on the available inventory, the value of the Issue Strategy field of the cycle counting order line and the Ownership Issue Priority defined in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.

If no inventory is available for the preferred business partner, LN selects inventory owned by other business partners, or, if not available, owned inventory.