Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000)

Use this session to print shipping manifests.


The shipping manifest is only available for shipments generated from warehousing orders for whose order type one of the following check boxes is selected in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session:

  • Single Order per Shipment
  • Single Order per Load
  • Single Order Set per Shipment


Select the preferred print option.
  • Preview
    Print the preliminary version of the documents within the selection range. Shipments with status Open are allowed.
  • Final Print
    Print the final version of the documents within the selection range. Shipments with status Frozen and Confirmed that have not been printed previously are allowed. After the final version is printed, in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session, the Shipping Manifest check box is selected for these shipments.
  • Reprint
    Reprint the current version of the documents within the selection range. Shipments with status Frozen and Confirmed that have been printed previously are allowed.

If printing shipping manifests is included in a shipment procedure, shipping manifests are printed automatically or manually for shipments to which the shipment procedure applies. You can manually print preliminary or final versions for shipping manifests in the current session.


Printing the final version completes the Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000) activity and selects the Shipping Manifest Printed check box for the shipments included in the shipping manifest, printing the preliminary version or reprinting the current version does not effect these updates.

Detailed Report
If this check box is selected, LN includes shipment line details and lot and serial information in the report.
If this check box is selected, LN prints the ownership of the goods listed on the shipping manifest.
Only Shortages
If this check box is selected, LN prints only the shipment lines with shortages. This option is not available for print option Final Print.
All Orders
If this check box is selected, LN prints the documents for all orders in the selected range, even if the Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000) activity is not defined for the warehousing procedure.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default, this field is checked by LN.

Shipping Manifest in Order Language
If this check box is selected, the shipping manifest is printed in the order language. LN retrieves the order language from the Language field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the shipping manifest is printed in the user's language.

The number of shipping manifest copies that will be printed.
Device Selection once
If this check box is selected, the output device selected in the Device Selection By field is used for the reprints of the current selection range. For the reprints, the Device Selection By field will be unavailable.


Print the shipping manifest for the data matching the selection ranges according to the options specified.

Clicking this command prompts you to select:

  • Shipping Manifest by Warehousing Order
    The shipping manifest is grouped by warehousing order header
  • Shipping Manifest by Load and Shipping Container
    The shipping manifest is grouped by load and shipping container