Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000)

Use this session to print bills of lading.


If this check box is selected, LN reprints the relevant items.
Detailed Report
If this check box is selected, all shipment lines, with the corresponding package definitions, are printed.

If this check box is cleared, only the shipment header is printed.

Specify whether to print bills of lading with payment terms:
  • Cash on delivery
  • No cash on delivery
  • Both
All Shipments
If this check box is selected, LN prints the documents for all shipments in the selected range, no matter whether the shipments are involved in an order procedure. This means, that the documents are also printed for shipments linked to completed orders.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default, this field is checked by LN.

Number of Copies
The number of copies to be printed for each Bill of Lading matching the selection range.
Device Selection once
If this check box is selected, the output device selected in the Device Selection By field is used for the reprints of the current selection range. For the reprints, the Device Selection By field will be unavailable.
5. (Enclosed Documents)
You can use this field to enter information about documents that are enclosed in the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about documents that are enclosed in the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
6. (Marks and Numbers)
You can use this field to enter marks and numbers. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
If this check box is selected, the marks and numbers are printed for all shipment lines on the bill of lading.

If this check box is cleared, the marks and numbers are only printed for the first shipment line on the bill of lading.

19. (Special Agreements)
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
22. (Special Agreements)
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter information about special agreements that are made on the shipment. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
13. (Consignor's Instructions)
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the sender's instructions. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
18. (Reservations ,Carrier's/LSP Remarks)
You can use this field to enter the carrier's reservations and observations. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the carrier's reservations and observations. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the carrier's reservations and observations. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the carrier's reservations and observations. This information is printed on the bill of lading.
You can use this field to enter the carrier's reservations and observations. This information is printed on the bill of lading.