Return not Shipped Goods (whinh4231m500)Use this session to generate a transfer order to transfer the Not Shipped goods of the current shipment line from the staging location back to the storage location. If required, on the generated transfer order, you can specify another location than the original storage location. This session is only available for location-controlled warehouses. Handling units A handling unit that is set to Not Shipped is returned to the storage location based on the outbound advice of the transfer order created using this session. If a handling unit is partially Not Shipped, the not-shipped quantity is returned anonymously (without handling units). If handling units are mandatory in inventory, a handling unit is created for the not-shipped quantity, and this handling unit is returned to the storage location. This handling unit is created during the confirmation of the shipment line. Handling units are mandatory in inventory if the ownership registration or the allocation registration is by Physical Item. Note Not-shipped goods are removed from inventory if the Automatic Adjustment of Quantity Not Shipped check box is selected in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. Handling units that contain goods that are removed through an adjustment are set to Closed. The related adjustment order is not linked to the not-shipped handling unit.
Shipment The shipment for which the not-shipped goods are transferred
from the staging location to the storage location. The shipment line for which the not-shipped goods are transferred from the staging
location to the storage location. Item In LN,
the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be
purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on. An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants. You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:
Effectivity Unit A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project
deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item. Lot A number of items produced and stored together that are
identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods. Inventory Date A date that is assigned to items when they are stored. You can
use inventory dates to retrieve items based on FIFO (First In First Out) or
LIFO (Last In First Out), without carrying out extensive lot control. The meaning of the inventory date is connected to the outbound priority of LIFO, FIFO, or the product expiry date of the item. With outbound priority LIFO or FIFO, the default for the inventory date is the system date; however, you can overwrite this so that the inventory date does not have to be equal to the storage date. If the item has a particular shelf life, the inventory date is the product expiry date defined for the item. Serial Number The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to
generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data
segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information,
sequence number, and so on. Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools. Stock Point Details Present If this check box is selected, the stockpoint details exist for the selected shipment
line. Not Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit The quantity of the Not Shipped goods of the current shipment line for which a transfer order is created. The inventory unit used to express the Not Shipped quantity. Warehouse The warehouse in which the staging location and the storage
location is located. Staging Location The staging location where the Not Shipped goods are located. Series The number group used to generate the transfer order number.
This series is defaulted from the Number Group field in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. The series used to generate the transfer order number. This
series is defaulted from the Series field in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. Order Type The order type of the transfer order. The order type is defaulted from the originating order. Activate Order If this check box is selected, the transfer order is
created and activated after you click Generate in the current session. When an order is
activated, the status is changed from Planned to Open. Process Order If this check box is selected, the transfer order is
created and processed after you click Generate in the current session. Processing means that
the activities of the transfer order are carried out if the activities are set
to automatic processing according to the warehousing procedure.
Generate Generates the transfer order according to the specified
settings. Stock Point Details Starts the Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session displaying the stock point details of the items to be transferred back to the storage
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