Select Alternative Package Definition (whinh4231m400)

Use this session to (re)pack the goods of a shipment line based on the alternative package definition. You can define the alternative package definition in the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session.

Selection of Alternative Package Definition

If required, you can repack the goods in the staging area based on a predefined packaging structure for the item. LN allows you to select an alternative package definition for the item and generate a new handling unit structure based on the new template.

The following steps are carried out when a new package definition is selected in the shipment lines:

  1. The handling unit previously specified on the shipment line is removed.

  2. New package definition is recorded in the shipment lines.

  3. LN creates a new handling unit for the shipment line based on the new alternative package definition that is specified.

  4. LN selects the Specific Packaging check box in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000).


The shipment for which the handling unit is generated.
Shipment Line
The shipment line for which the handling unit is generated.
The item for which the handling unit is generated.
The description or name of the code.
Package Definition (Source)
The old package definition as specified in the Package Definition field of the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.
Package Definition Description
The description or name of the code.
Package Definition (Destination)
The new package definition which is recorded on the shipment line during processing. You can specify the new package definitions in the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session.

You can select a package definition only of type Variable.

Package Definition Description
The description or name of the code.


Generates the handling unit structure.