Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000)

Use this session to split, move, or add shipment lines. You can also link the shipment to a load or shipping container.

Split shipment lines

A shipment may need to be split because it is too large for a single conveyance or carrier. This can be due to weight restrictions or the size of the shipment. Whether you must split a shipment or not is an operational decision with no impact on warehousing data or financial transactions.

To split a shipment line, on the appropriate menu, choose Split Line. The Split Line (whinh4231m100) session is started in which you can specify the quantity to split and the shipment, load, or shipping container to which the split quantity must be added.

Move shipment lines

You can move an entire shipment line or a part of a shipment line to:

  • Another, existing shipment.
  • One or more new shipments.

To move an entire shipment line to another shipment, on the appropriate menu, choose Move to Shipment. The Move to Shipment (whinh4231m200) session is started in which you can specify the shipment, load, or shipping container to which the shipment line must be moved.


You can only move or split shipment lines with the Open status.

Add shipment lines

To add a shipment line to the shipment, on the appropriate menu, choose Find Shipment Lines. The Find Shipment Lines (whinh4831m000) session is started that you can use to find a shipment line to add to the shipment.


You can only add shipment lines to the shipment if the shipment's status is Open.

Link shipment to load

To link the shipment to a load, on the appropriate menu, choose Link to Load. The Loads (whinh4140m000) session is started in which you can select the load to which the shipment must be linked.


Shipping containers are available if implemented. For more information, refer to Kit handling support and shipping structure setup.


All goods that are transported to a specific address on a specific date and time by using a specific route. An identifiable part of a load.
Total Weight
The total weight of the shipment.
Total Weight
The unit of measure in which weight is expressed.
In LN, all goods and/or shipments carried by one means of transport on a specific date and time and using a specific route.
The shipment line's position number.
The shipped item.
Gross Weight
Gross weight of the shipped quantity.
Unit of Measure
Unit of measure of the weight.
Quantity Staged
The picked quantity of goods to be shipped.
Unit of Measure
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

The warehousing order's origin.
An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.


In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.

The order set groups order lines of the same order together according to the following attributes:
  • Ship-from partner
  • Ship-to partner
  • Ship-from address
  • Ship-to address
  • Carrier
  • Shipping date
  • Original company
Quantity Shipped
The quantity of items actually shipped.
The shipment line's status.


Print Shipments
Starts the Print Shipments (whinh4430m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.
Freezes the load, shipment, or shipment line.
Confirms the record.