Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000)

Use this session to view the activities of an inbound order line and the quantities of the items that are processed by means of these activities.

This session also displays an overview of the quantities that are updated when the activities are carried out.


The activities that must be carried out for an inbound order line are determined by the warehousing procedure defined for the order line. For more information, refer to To define warehousing procedures.

Example 1
ReceiptsPartiallyThe receipt is not marked as final receipt
Generate Inbound AdviceYesFor all received items an inbound advice is generated
Storage ListNoThe advised items are not put away yet
ApprovalsNoNothing is inspected yet
Quantity typeQuantityExplanation
Ordered10The ordered quantity
Open Received7A receipt record is created for the items. The goods are ready to be received in the warehouse.
Received7The receipt is not yet marked as final receipt
Advised7For all received items inbound advice is generated
Put Away0The advised items are not put away yet
Inspected0No items are inspected
Approved0No items are approved
Destroyed0No items are destroyed
Rejected0No items are rejected
Advised (Inspection)0No inbound advice is generated after inspection
Put Away (Inspection)0No items are put away after inspection


The next step that you must carry out is Storage List, because it is the first activity that is not finished after the Receipts activity.

Example 2
ReceiptsYesThe receipt is marked as final receipt
Generate Inbound AdvicePartiallyFor a part of the received items inbound advice is generated
Storage ListPartiallyThe advised items are partially put away
ApprovalsYesAll items that can be inspected are inspected
Quantity typeQuantityExplanation
Ordered10The ordered quantity
Open Received10A receipt record is created for the items. The goods are ready to be received in the warehouse.
Received10The entire ordered quantity is received
Advised7For a part of the received items an inbound advice is generated
Put Away5The advised items are partially put away
Inspected5All items that can be inspected are inspected
Approved4The inspected items are partially approved
Destroyed0No items are destroyed during inspection
Rejected1The inspected items are partially rejected
Advised (Inspection)0No inbound advice is yet generated for the approved items
Put Away (Inspection)0No items are put away after inspection


The next step that you must carry out is Generate Inbound Advice, because it is the first activity that is not finished after the Receipts activity.


An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.


In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.

Order Type
A code that identifies the type of a warehousing order. The default warehousing procedure that you link to a warehousing order type determines how the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated are processed in the warehouse, although you can modify the default procedure for individual warehousing orders or order lines.

LN retrieves the warehousing-order type from the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session

The order set groups order lines of the same order together according to the following attributes:
  • Ship-from partner
  • Ship-to partner
  • Ship-from address
  • Ship-to address
  • Carrier
  • Shipping date
  • Original company
Order Line
The sequence number of the warehousing order line.
Planned Quantity in Inventory Unit
The ordered quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.
Yes: The activity is automatically performed.

No: The user manually performs the activity using the corresponding session.

In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Inventory Unit
The inventory unit in which the quantities are expressed.
Receipt Procedure Stage
The stage in the Receipt Procedure that the quantity indicated in the Quantity field has reached for the current order line.
OrderedThe indicated quantity is in the initial stage of the Receipt Procedure.
Open ReceivedA receipt record is created for the indicated quantity.
ReceivedThe receipt for the indicated quantity is confirmed.
AdvisedInbound advice is generated for the indicated quantity.
Put AwayThe indicated quantity is stored in the warehouse.
InspectedThe indicated quantity is inspected. The inspection results are listed in the following fields.
ApprovedThe indicated quantity is approved.
RejectedThe indicated quantity is rejected.
DestroyedThe indicated quantity is destroyed.
Advised (Inspection)Inbound advice is generated for the indicated quantity after inspection.
Put Away (Inspection)The indicated quantity is stored in the warehouse after inspection.


The quantity of items for the inbound order line, expressed in the inventory unit.
An activity that must be carried out for the inbound order line.

The activities to be carried out for an inbound order line can be determined in any of the following ways:

  • The default warehousing procedure linked to the warehousing-order type of the warehousing order to which the current inbound order line belongs. For manually created warehousing orders, you can allocate a warehousing order type to a warehousing order in the Order Type field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. For warehousing orders generated from other orders, the warehousing order type is allocated according to the setup of the originating orders. You can link default warehousing procedures to warehousing order types in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session.
  • The warehousing procedure of the warehousing order to which the current inbound order line belongs. In the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session, you can define the warehousing procedure for an individual warehousing order.
  • The warehousing procedure of the current warehousing order line. In the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session, you can define the warehousing procedure for an individual inbound order line.
The activity's status.

An activity can obtain the following statuses:

  • Yes: The activity is totally carried out.
  • No: The activity is not carried out.
  • Partially: The activity is partially carried out.

Example 1

ReceiptsPartiallyThe receipt is not marked as final receipt
Generate Inbound AdviceYesFor all received items an inbound advice is generated
Storage ListNoNo storage list is printed yet
ApprovalsNoNothing is inspected yet


Example 2

ReceiptsYesThe receipt is marked as final receipt
Generate Inbound AdvicePartiallyFor a part of the received items an inbound advice is generated
Storage ListPartiallyThe advised items are partially put away
ApprovalsYesAll items that can be inspected are inspected


The warehousing order's origin.
The warehousing order number.
The warehousing order line number. If the order is generated by a package other than Warehousing, this number is the same as the original order line number.
The business partner that ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.
Line Status
The inbound order line's status.
Additional information about the inbound order line's status.
If this check box is selected, the current order line is blocked.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, the inbound order line is (partly) used for cross-docking.
Line Activities Present
If this check box is selected, activities exist for the current order line.


Order Line Details
Starts the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session from the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session.

Starts the Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session from the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.

Create Order Line Activities
Use this command to generate the activities that make up the warehousing order procedure for the order line.

This command is available if no activities exist for the selected order line. Activities exist for the order line in either of the following cases:

  • After order processing for the order line has started and the first activity is carried out.
  • If you previously used this command to create activities.

After you click this command, the activities of the warehousing order header of the current order line are copied to the Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000) session. In this session, you can adjust these activities to define the order procedure for the current order line.