Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the activities of the warehousing procedure for the selected warehousing order.

Note that changes that you make in this session only apply to order lines for which no order line activities exist.

If a new warehousing order is created, the default warehousing procedure linked to the warehousing order type of the new warehousing order is copied to this session. For transfer orders, first the activities of the outbound and shipment procedures are copied, followed by the inbound and inspection procedures.

For warehousing orders created from orders originating from other packages, the default procedure is copied the moment the warehousing order is generated. However, collect orders from Sales are processed automatically. For these orders, the default warehousing procedure is overruled. In addition, settings in Manufacturing control whether warehousing orders generated from production orders are processed automatically or according to the warehousing procedure linked to the warehousing order type, which, if required, you can modify in this session.

For manually created multi-company transfer orders, the following applies:

The warehousing order for the ship-from company includes the activities of the outbound and shipment procedures, and the warehousing order for the ship-to company includes the activities of the inbound and inspection procedures.

Performance aspects

Keeping warehousing order line activities in your system after the warehousing order is closed results in considerable data growth. If you do not want to remove warehousing orders with status Closed, an alternative way to reduce the number of records in your system is to remove the order line activities of closed orders. To do this, in the Remove Warehousing Orders (whinh2250m000) session, select the Line Activities of Closed Orders check box. For further information, see Remove order line activities of closed orders.


The origin of the order.
The code of the warehousing order. If the order is generated by another package, this number will correspond to the original order number.
The order set groups order lines of the same order together according to the following attributes:
  • Ship-from partner
  • Ship-to partner
  • Ship-from address
  • Ship-to address
  • Carrier
  • Shipping date
  • Original company
Procedure Type
The procedure type of the warehousing procedure of the current warehousing order.
An activity of the warehousing procedure of the current warehousing order.
If this check box is selected, the activity is added to the procedure.

Mandatory activities

For each procedure, one or more activities are mandatory. For mandatory activities, this check box is selected and read-only. For each procedure, the following list shows the mandatory activities.

Receipt Procedure

  • Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000)
  • Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)

Inspection Procedure

  • Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000)
  • Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)

Outbound Procedure

  • Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000)
  • Release Outbound Advice (whinh4202m000)

Shipment Procedure

  • Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads (whinh4275m000)

For the complete list of activities, see Default activities by procedure.

Additional constraints

If this check box is selected for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity. If this check box is selected for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity. By default, this check box is cleared for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity.

If this check box is selectedfor the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically selected and read-only for the Storage List (whinh3525m100) activity. If this check box is cleared for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared for the Storage List (whinh3525m100) activity.

If this check box is selected for the Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000) activity, this check box is automatically selected and read-only for the Picking List (whinh4525m100) activity. If this check box is cleared for the Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared for the Picking List (whinh4525m100) activity.


This check box is cleared for activity Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) if the Delivery Note option is not selected in the Transport Document field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session for the ship-from warehouse listed on the shipment header.

This check box is cleared for activity Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000) if, for the ship-from warehouse listed on the shipment header:

  • The Delivery Note option is selected in the Transport Document field of the Warehouse (whwmd2100s000) session.
  • Printing packing slips is suppressed according to the setting of the Suppress Printing Packing Slip field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
If this check box is selected, the activity is carried out automatically. You can specify whether the activities of a warehousing procedure are carried out manually or automatically.

For example, if this check box is selected for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity for an inbound procedure, the inbound advice of orders to which this procedure is allocated is automatically put away after the preceding activity, for example Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000), is completed. For further information, see Automatic or manual execution of activities

Note that this check box is only available if the Applicable check box is selected.

Number of Copies
The number of copies to be printed for the current activity and warehousing order.

For individual inbound order lines to which the current activity applies, you can adjust the number of copies in the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session.

For individual outbound order lines to which the current activity applies, you can adjust the number of copies in the Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000) session.

Output Device
For activities that involve printing documents, such as storage lists or shipping documents, select one of the output devices available in your organization. You can define default output devices for the documents involved in the receipt, storage, and shipping of goods in the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

This field is available for the following activities:

  • Print Receipts (whinh3412m000)
  • Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
  • Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000)
  • Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000)
  • Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000)
  • Print Packing Lists (whinh4476m000)
  • Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000)
  • Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000)
Label Printing
Indicates whether the labels must be printed for the goods.

Allowed values

Print Labels

Label Printing Method
Indicates how the labels must be printed for the advised goods.

Allowed values

Printing Method

Number of Label Copies
The number of copies of the label that must be printed.
Label Printed by
LN allows you to specify the application that must be used to print the labels for the defined layout.

Allowed values

Label Printed by


You can view this field only if packaging level BOD is implemented.

Default value of this field is Infor LN.

The value External application is not applicable when the packaging label BOD is not implemented.

Label Device
The code of the label device used to print the labels for label layout. You can create or select the device from the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session.

This field is enabled only if Label Printing field is set to Yes or For Handling Units Only.

This field is not applicable and empty when the Label Printed by field is set to External application.

The value of this field is derived when the Label Printed by field is set to External application.

Label Layout
The code of the label layout.