Generate Time Based Ownership Change Orders (whinh1200m100)

Use this session to generate time based inventory ownership change orders for items whose ownership is due to change from the supplier to your own organization on a date determined by the contract with the supplier or pertaining to legal requirements.

Various criteria are available to select the items for which to generate change orders.

The resulting change orders are displayed in the Inventory Ownership Change Orders (whinh1100m000) session.


Received items allocated to an outbound order are included in a change order if outbound advice is not yet present for the outbound order. If outbound advice is present, the advised quantity is not included in the change order. The ownership of the advised quantity changes when the shipment for the advised items is confirmed, in other words, for these items, the ownership change is consumption based. For further information on usage and consumption based ownership change, see Consumption-based ownership change.

If (part of) the received items have left the consignment warehouse for a transfer order that is not a usage, and a change order is generated for the received items, the quantity on the transfer order is not included in the change order. If a new change order is generated after the transfer quantity is received in the destination warehouse, the transferred items appear on this change order.


Selection Range
The first warehouse in the range of warehouses in which the items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders are stored.
The last warehouse in the range of warehouses in which the items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders are stored.
The first owner in the range of owners of the items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
The last owner in the range of owners of the items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
From Item
The first item in the range of items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
To Item
The last item in the range of items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
Up to Date
Inventory ownership change orders are generated for items for which ownership change is due up to and including the selected date according to the terms and conditions.
Change Order
The number group that you want to assign to the inventory ownership change orders to be generated.
The series that you want to assign to the inventory ownership change orders to be generated.
The reason code that you want to assign to the inventory ownership change orders to be generated.
Preferred Destination Location
The warehouse location in which the items must be stored after the ownership change, provided that the location can accommodate the items.
Ownership Change Date
Ownership Change Date
Use the following options to specify the date on which the ownership is to change for the selected items: Ownership date.
Specific Date
The date on which the ownership is to change for the selected items. This field is available if you click Specific Date.
Time Based Ownership Change
After Last Receipt
If this check box is selected, items for which time based ownership change after receipt is defined in the terms and conditions are included in the selection of items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
After Last Transaction
If this check box is selected, items for which time based ownership change after the last receipt or issue is defined in the terms and conditions are included in the selection of items for which to generate inventory ownership change orders.
Update Mode
Update Mode
Select Simulate to print the simulated results of inventory ownership change orders generated or generated and processed for the items matching the selection criteria.

Select Update to generate and print or generate, process and print inventory ownership change orders for the items matching the selection criteria.

Directly Process Created Orders
If this check box is selected, the inventory ownership change orders are generated and immediately processed.
Success Report
If this check box is selected, the generated or generated and processed inventory ownership change orders are printed.
Error Report
If this check box is selected, a report about any errors encountered during the change order generation process is printed.
Inventory Movement
Inventory Movement
If this check box is selected, LN prints the inventory movements initiated after the inventory ownership change.

If the ownership registration level is Location or Physical Item and Location, after the ownership change the items must move from the location allocated to the previous owner to a location containing customer owned inventory. If the ownership registration level is Physical Item or Physical Item and Location and the items are contained in handling units, splitting or relabeling the handling units may be required to move the handling units to the correct location.

Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default, this field is checked by LN.

If this check box is selected, handling unit labels are printed.
Label Layout
The ID code of the preferred label layout.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the handling unit report.

The default value for this field is Yes.

Device Selection By
Select Default Device to use the default output device. This session uses the default output device of the Easy Inventory Movement (whinr1250m000) session. The default output device for the Easy Inventory Movement (whinr1250m000) session is defined in the Default Devices by User (whwmd1545m000) session.

Select Specific Device, to select a printer in the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) dialog.

Device Selection By
Select Default Device to use the default output device defined in the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Select Specific Device, to select a printer in the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) dialog.


Generates inventory ownership change orders for the items matching the selection criteria. If the Directly Process Created Orders check box is selected, the change orders are processed immediately upon creation.