Transport Document

  • Always

    The Delivery notes are always printed for shipments leaving the warehouse, even if the delivery note is not part of the order procedure. The Print Delivery Notes in Order Language field in the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session is set to Yes.

  • Always, unless Invoice present

    LN always prints a delivery note, even if the delivery note is not defined as a step in the order procedure. For the shipments for which an invoice can be printed, LN does not print the delivery note and the invoice serves as a transport document.

    The Print Delivery Notes in Order Language checkbox in the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session is:

    • Yes for the order origins for which invoice procedure is not defined.
    • No for orders of the type sales orders, sales schedules, service orders, maintenance sales order or purchase (return) order.
  • According Order Procedure

    Delivery Notes are printed based on the settings of the warehouse order type and warehouse order. If the delivery note is not defined as a step in the order procedure, delivery note is not printed. LN defaults the value in the Print Delivery Notes in Order Language field from the value specified in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session.

  • Not Applicable

    LN does not print delivery notes. Even if the delivery note is defined as a step in the order procedure, delivery note is not printed. The Print Delivery Notes in Order Language field in the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session is set to No.