Advance Shipping Note status

  • Open

    The initial status for manually created inbound ASNs.

  • Prepare

    A shipment is created for the ship-to business partner and a message must be created in EDI.

    In the EDI Messages Supported by Business Partner (ecedi0111s000) session, you can specify that an EDI message (nr. 856) must be prepared for the ship-to business partner if a shipment is created. In the Confirm Outbound ASN (whinh4230m100) session, you can confirm the ASN. As a result, the ASN obtains the Confirmed status.

    However, if ASNs are automatically generated for shipments, the Prepare status is not used. In the Generate ASNs Automatically check box of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, you can set the parameter that controls automatic generation of ASNs for shipments.

  • Scheduled

    The ASN is created by EDI and the goods have not yet been received.

  • Scheduled Manually

    The ASN is created manually and the goods have not yet been received. You cannot cancel or replace an ASN that is scheduled manually (not created by an EDI message).

  • Received

    The goods on the ASN are received.

  • Confirmed

    LN has prepared a message in EDI, therefore the ASN can be generated and sent to the receiver of the goods.

  • Sent

    The ASN is sent successfully.

  • Replaced

    When a revised ASN message is received, the previous ASN is set to the Replaced status. Thereafter, a new ASN is created in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session with the Scheduled status.


    The Replaced status is valid for the inbound ASNs only.

    When an ASN has the Replaced status , you cannot make any changes to the ASN header or ASN Lines.

    When an ASN is set to Replaced status, the ASN cannot be received in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session.

    An error message is logged in the Received EDI Messages Errors (ecedi7151m100) session if receiving an replacement message is not successful.

  • Not Applicable

    When an ASN message is not created, the EDI Status field is set to Not Applicable.

    Example: An ASN message might not be created due to the following reasons:

    • The EDI is not implemented.
    • The order origin of the related shipment lines is not Sales or Sales Schedule.
    • The Ship-to Business Partner has no EDI relation defined in EDI Messages Supported by Business Partner (ecedi0111s000) session.

    The Not Applicable status is valid only for the outbound shipments.

  • Disapproved

    An error notification to the effect that something went wrong with the ASN is received in EDI. It depends on the EDI setup whether the error message is displayed as EDI Text.

  • Canceled

    The ASN is canceled. When an ASN is canceled, an EDI message is received with the EDI Status field set to Canceled. In this case, the original shipment notice is set to Canceled status and a new ASN is not created,

    You cannot cancel or replace an ASN that is scheduled manually (not created by an EDI message).


    You cannot make any change to the ASN header or ASN lines if an ASN is set to the Canceled status.

    An error message is logged in the Received EDI Messages Errors (ecedi7151m100) session if receiving a cancellation message is not successful.

    After a shipment notice is canceled, the shipment notice cannot be used for receiving the related order lines in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session.