Line Status

  • Planned

    The initial status for an outbound order line. The outbound order line is newly created. Order processing is yet to start. Selecting or clearing the Generate Planned Inbound Order Lines in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session determines whether the Planned status or the Open status is the initial status for outbound order lines of a particular warehousing order type. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing order lines.

  • Open

    The outbound order line is newly created or activated. No actual data is assigned yet, the order line is ready for order processing. Parameter settings determine whether the initial status of an order line is Planned or Open. If the initial status is Planned, the order line must be activated to obtain the Open status. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing order lines.

  • Advised

    Outbound advice is generated for the outbound order line.

  • Released

    The outbound advice of the outbound order line is released.

  • To be Inspected

    The items on the outbound order line must be inspected after the picking list is confirmed or, if no picking lists are included in the outbound procedure, the outbound advice is released.

  • Inspected

    This status is not implemented.

  • Staged

    The shipment for the goods listed on the outbound order line is prepared and the items are ready for shipment. This takes place after the outbound advice of the outbound order line is released, the picking list is confirmed, or the inspection is completed.

  • Shipped

    The items are shipped.