Inbound Order Line Status

  • Planned

    The initial status for an inbound order line. The inbound order line is newly created. Order processing is yet to start. Selecting or clearing the Generate Planned Inbound Order Lines in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session determines whether the Planned status or the Open status is the initial status for inbound order lines of a particular warehousing order type. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing order lines.

  • Open

    The inbound order line is newly created or activated. No actual data is assigned yet, the order line is ready for order processing. Parameter settings determine whether the initial status of an order line is Planned or Open. If the initial status is Planned, the order line must be activated to obtain the Open status. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing order lines.

  • Receipt Open

    A receipt record is created for the inbound order line. The goods listed on the order line are ready to be received in the warehouse.

  • Received

    The receipt of the items on the inbound order line is confirmed. The actual quantity, date and time are registered. You can take further steps to store the goods in the warehouse or move the goods to the inspection location, if inspections are included in the inbound warehousing procedure allocated to the inbound order line. If required, you can carry out a receipt correction. This status applies if the inbound warehouse is location-controlled.

  • To be Inspected

    If inspections are included in the inbound flow, for location-controlled warehouses, inbound order lines with the Put Away status obtain the To be Inspected status when they are moved to the inspection location as specified on the inbound advice or the storage list. For warehouses without locations, inbound order lines obtain the To be Inspected status after the receipt is confirmed.

  • Inspected

    For location-controlled warehouses, LN allocates this status to an inbound order line after the goods listed on the inbound order line are inspected, that is, approved, rejected or destroyed, at the inspection location. If no locations are defined for the warehouse, an inbound order line obtains the Put Away status after the inspection is completed. For more information, refer to Inspect inbound goods.

  • Advised

    Inbound advice is generated for the inbound order line after the receipt of the inbound order line is confirmed and, if an inspection procedure is allocated to the inbound order line, after the inbound order line has obtained the Inspected status. This status applies if the inbound warehouse is location-controlled.

  • Put Away

    The inbound order line obtains this status in the following situations:

    • The items on the inbound order line have actually been put away in storage and the inventory is updated.
    • After inspection, all of the inspected goods of the inbound order line have actually been put away in storage and the inventory is updated.