Generate Handling units automatically from ASNs

An inbound advance shipment notice (ASN) includes fields labeled external handling unit and internal handling unit. The external handling unit field can hold a code that refers to a handling unit code provided by the supplier. The internal handling unit field has a code that refers to LN handling units. When a new ASN arrives, the internal handling unit field is always empty, but the external handling unit field can include the supplier's handling unit code.

You can use the following options to control the way LN automatically generates internal handling unit codes.

  • Always

    Always generate handling units automatically from inbound ASNs.

  • Handling Unit Received

    Generate a handling unit if the inbound ASN includes handling unit codes provided by the supplier. LN generates an internal handling unit code if the external handling unit field has a value. If LN generates an internal handling unit code, LN creates an internal handling unit code that is identical to the external handling unit code. However, if an identical handling unit code exists in LN before the arrival of the ASN, this would result in duplicate records. In such cases, LN generates a new unique internal handling unit code using the mask functionality. The new internal code is also saved on the ASN.

  • For Characteristics Registration

    Generate a handling unit when an inbound advance shipment notice (ASN) is created and the the value of the ownership registration level for the item, warehouse and business partner is Physical Item or Physical Item and Location.

    Note that for this option to work, for the current warehouse and/or item, handling units must be in use for receipts, inbound and outbound inspections, and shipments. For further information about other settings required for handling units and ownership registration, see Ownership registration setup in Warehousing.

  • Never

    Never generate handling units automatically from inbound ASNs.