Report Servers (ttrpi1500m000)

Use this session to to define a report server.


Report Server
Specify a meaningful name for the report server.
Report Server Description
Specify a description of the report server.
Report Server Type
Specify whether the report server is a Microsoft SSRS or an Infor Reporting server.
Is Active
Select this checkbox when the report server is active. If the report server is not active you must clear this checkbox.
Implicit Deploy Allowed
If this checkbox is selected, the report is deployed automatically when it is printed. Note that this will only occur if the report is not yet available on the report server.
Claims-based Authentication
Select this check box if you use Infor Reporting 10.3 or later. For these Infor Reporting versions authentication is handled by Infor Federation Services ( IFS).

Clear this check box if you use an Infor Reporting version older than 10.3. For these Infor Reporting versions authentication is handled by Active Directory.

User Name
Specify an account to use for the webservice calls. This user must have access to the report server with permissions to view reports. The user also needs permission to manage the content of the report server, for example to import and export report designs.

The individual LN users must be authorized to view reports.

For Infor Reporting, the user must be specified when the Claims-based Authentication check box is not selected.

For more information on different roles, see the Microsoft and/or Infor Reporting documentation.

Specify the correct password of the user name you supplied in the User Name field.
Report Folder
The folder where the reports are stored. A default string with macros will be displayed. At runtime, these macros are substituted by the selected report. You can also specify your own folder.

The syntax of the report folder depends on the type of report server.

For Microsoft SSRS you must specify a genuine folder path that starts with "%2f", which represents the “/” special character. For example: %2fInfor%20Reporting%2fLN%2fSessionReports%2f$hostname%2f$pacc.

For Infor Reporting the syntax is: /content/folder[@name='i10r']/folder[@name='infor.ln']/folder[@name='rep']/folder[@name='$hostname']/folder[@name='$pacc']. When the path is created on the report server, the names "i10r", "infor.ln", and "rep" are replaced by language dependent names.

These macros are supported:

  • $hostname - the computer name of the LN server
  • $pacc - the package combination
  • $pk - the package

    Through this macro you can store the reports of different LN packages in different sub folders.

  • $mod -the module

    Through this macro you can store the reports of different LN modules in different sub folders.

Webservice URL
Specify the URL to access the report on the report server.

For Microsoft SSRS, you can find this URL in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

For Infor Reporting, you can find this URL in IBM Cognos Configuration (Local Configuration/Environment/External Dispatcher URI).

Report Viewer URL
For Microsoft SSRS, specify this URL: /Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2f$folder%2f$report&rs:Command=Report.

For Infor Reporting the viewuer URL depends on the Infor Reporting Version:.

For the version older than 10.3, viewing of Infor Reporting reports is redirected through the Infor ERP Enterprise Connector for Infor Reporting. Specify this URL:

http://<hostname>:<port of connector>/InforErpEnterpriseConnector/ReportLauncher?http://<hostname>:<port of infor reporting>/infor10reporting/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=run&ui.object=$folder/package[@name='$report']/report[@name='report']&run.prompt=false&cv.header=false&ui=h1h2h3h4

For the version 10.3 and higher, you must specify this URL:

http://<hostname>:<port of infor reporting>/InforReporting?b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=run&ui.object=$folder/package[@name='$report']/report[@name='report']&run.prompt=false&cv.header=false&ui=h1h2h3h4.

For both Microsoft SSRS and Infor Reporting, the "$folder" macro will be substituted by the report folder; the "$report" macro will be substituted by the report you want to view. For more information on the configuration of the URL, see the Microsoft and/or Infor Reporting documentation.

Specify a configured instance of an authentication provider that allows access to user and group information for authentication and access control.

This field only applies to Infor Reporting older than version 10.3.

Connector Webservice URL
The URL to connect to the Infor ERP Enterprise Connector for Infor Reporting. This connector handles the communication between LN and Infor Reporting.

This field only applies to Infor Reporting.

Temporary Directory
A directory on the Infor Reporting server where intermediate files and images will be stored.

This field only applies to Infor Reporting.


Test Connection
Starts a connection to the webservice URL you supplied.
Set Default
Sets the default for Report Folder and the URLs. If the URLs contain host names, those names will be retained.