One-step software environment procedure - details

The one-step software environment procedure details.

Step 1. create an environment with the one-step procedure
  1. Start the Create New Package Combination / VRCs (One Step) (ttaad1222m000) session.
  2. In the Source Package Combination field, type or select the package combination from which you want to derive the new target package combination. For example: the source package combination is b60astnd, which contains the update VRCs that are derived from the standard version.
  3. In the Target Package Combination field, specify the name of the new package combination to create. For example: b60oacus. If you move from the Target Package Combination field to the next field, the Specify VRC Codes to Create (ttaad1223s000) session is started automatically.
  4. Define the package VRCs to be linked to your new package combination. In the Target VRC column, you can specify existing and new VRCs. The new VRCs that are specified are created automatically. Note: We recommend that you create own VRCs for all packages, except Tools (tt), Tools Add-on (tl), Data Director (da), OpenWorld Middleware-enabling (tm), and New Technology (nt).
  5. Click Save, and then exit the session to return to the Create New Package Combination / VRCs (One Step) (ttaad1222m000) session.
  6. In the Runtime Direct. Data Definitions field, specify the directory where the table and domain definitions of the package combination must be stored, for example ${BSE}/dict. You are prompted to create a subdirectory for the new package combination.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the creation of the table and domain definition directory.
  8. In the Directory Software Components field, specify the directory where the software components for the new VRCs are stored, for example; ${BSE}/application. You are prompted to create subdirectories for the new VRCs.
  9. Optionally, specify the remaining fields in the Create New Package Combination / VRCs (One Step) (ttaad1222m000) session. You can, for example, specify a range of users and companies that must be transferred from the original to the new package combination. See the session’s online help for details.
  10. Click Create. If you have not yet created the run-time software directories, you are prompted to verify the creation of these directories to continue. If you selected the Change Current Package VRC check box, the Check Password (ttadv0145m000) session starts.
  11. Enter the password for developer authorizations to verify the changes to the developer’s user profile and then click OK to start the process. Before the process actually starts, the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session starts, which you can use to print an error report of the errors that occur during the procedure. When the process is finished, a message appears, which shows how many warnings or events have occurred during the process.
  12. In the message window, click OK to continue.

The new environment is now ready to use. To activate changes to their user profile, users must log off and log on again.


  • To maintain a software environment that is created with the one-step procedure, for example, to link users and companies to the new package combination, you must use the sessions described in the Standard software environment procedure.
  • To make online Help available for your environment, you must install Web Help on a Web server in your system.
Step 2. Initialize Test tool for Business Data Entities (BDEs)

Perform this step to create/customize and test business objects (Business Data Entities). The BOL Test Tool - Public Layer (tlbct3250m000) session offers the possibility to store test data in test history tables, so that you can reuse the test later.

To use this test tool, you must first specify the companies where to store the test data.

  1. Start the Initialize Tools (tlcom0200m000) session. This session creates tables required for the public test tool and to store data from Tools Add-ons (tl) regression tests.
  2. You can setup a different company number for public test tool and regression tests. In the Public Test Tool Data and Regression Test Data fields, specify the company numbers in which the corresponding data must be stored. For example, enter 300 and 101 respectively.
  3. Click Next to continue. An overview of the actions to be executed is displayed.
  4. Click Finish to create the tables in the specified companies.

When, for example, you start the public test tool from now on, the data is read from company 300. Data generated or read within regression tests are stored in/ read from company 101.