Export and import procedure details

The export/import procedure is in a large part, identical to the Copy software components procedure. In this section only the first part of the procedure is described. For the rest of the procedure, refer to the Copy software components procedure.

Step 1. Export components from a software environment to sequential files

The procedure begins when you export the software components of a package VRC, e.g. tc B60_a into a sequential file.

  1. Start the Export Data Dictionary (ttiex1280m000) session.
  2. In the Package and VRC fields, select the package VRC that contains the components that you want to export to a sequential file.
  3. Under Options, select how you want to export the components. For example, you select the Export based on Sessions check box. The related components are automatically included in the export.
  4. Under Sessions, define a range of sessions that you want to export. For example, you want to export all sessions in the Common package.
  5. In the Path Dumps field, enter the directory where you want to store the sequential files on your system.
  6. Click Export to start the process and quit the session when the process is completed.

In the described procedure, you export all components from one VRC to another. If you only want to export the changes compared to a specific VRC, you must select the Compared with VRC check box and then enter that VRC in the associated field. You can use this action, for example, to export customized components from a development VRC to a runtime environment.

Step 2. Transfer the sequential files to the target system

Perform this step only if the source and the target environments are located on different systems: transfer the sequential files that contain the exported software components to the target system. For example, you can transfer the files through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a CD-ROM or by e-mail.

Note: FTP is a protocol used to copy files to and from remote computer systems on a network using TCP/IP, such as the Internet. This protocol also enables you to use FTP commands to work with files, such as listing files and directories on the remote system.

Step 3. Import components from the sequential files into the target environment
  1. Start the Import Data Dictionary (ttiex1285m000) session starts.
  2. In the Path Sequential Dumps field, enter the directory in which the sequential export files are stored. The sequential files are created with the Export Data Dictionary (ttiex1280m000) session.
  3. In the Path Runtime Dictionary field, enter the path where the runtime software components, such as form dumps, objects, or menu dumps, must be installed. This path is only used if no path has been defined for these components in the Directories of Software Components (ttadv1115m000) session.
  4. Select the Overwrite check box to make sure that during the import existing components are replaced by the imported components.
  5. Select the Write software components in other Package VRC check box, and then enter in the VRC field the package VRC where you want install the imported components. For example, the tcB60O_a_cus VRC.
  6. Click Import to start the process and quit the session when the import is completed.
Remaining steps

To complete the export/import procedure, you must perform the following actions:

  • Compile the imported labels.
  • Generate the runtime data dictionary for the package combination(s) to which the import VRC belongs.
  • Compile the related program scripts and DLLs.
  • Compile the related reports.
  • Convert the associated forms and menus to the run-time data dictionary.
  • Install Web Help for the components in the target environment.

For a description of these steps, refer to the Copy software components procedure.

During the export/import procedure, you can specify whether or not to include the objects/dumps that are associated to the exported program scripts, libraries, reports, forms and menus. If you include the objects/dumps, you do not have to compile the program scripts/DLLs, forms, reports and menus.