MS Excel integrationIntroduction In LN sessions that show data directly from a table, you can export data to, and import data from, MS Excel. After starting such a session, you can select the tabs and columns you want to export. Then you can perform a quick export or an advanced export. During the export, a .xlsx workbook is generated. After exporting data from a session, you can edit the Excel export workbook and import the workbook back into the same session. Only cells with edit permissions are imported. Note
For details, see these sections:
SSI_MAX_ROWS If a session contains a lot of data, a full export from that session can slow down or block the entire database. To prevent this, you can limit the number of records that can be exported by setting the SSI_MAX_ROWS parameter. To limit the number of records that can be exported, set SSI_MAX_ROWS to a value greater than zero. For example, if SSI_MAX_ROWS = 500, 500 records can be exported at most. If SSI_MAX_ROWS has a value that is less than or equal to zero, there is no limit (except the MS Excel limit) for the number of records that can be exported.
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