| To copy a multicompany structure - Procedure detailsUse this procedure to copy a multicompany structure, including
the central company (central DEM) company, to a new
multicompany structure. The target structure has its own central DEM company. Procedure details Step 1. Create target companiesCreate the target companies through the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session. On the Specific menu, click Convert to Runtime to make the changes active at runtime. Restart your bshell
to load the new settings. Step 2. Define logical tables for target companies.Take this step only if logical tables are defined for one or
more source companies. To define logical tables for a target company you must
run the Logical Tables (ttaad4120m000) session. Points of attention: - Specify the target company number in the Logical Company field.
- Specify the logical tables for the target company. The set
of logical tables must be identical to the set that is defined for the
corresponding source company; only the Physical Company may differ.
- For each logical table, specify the Physical Company (one
of the company numbers in the target multicompany structure) where the data of
the table is stored. A special rule applies to the tccom000 and tcemm170
tables. See the note below.
After you have defined the logical tables for the target
companies, you must convert the changes to the runtime data dictionary and
restart your bshell to load the new settings. Note on tccom000 and tcemm170 The tccom000 (Implemented Software Components) and tcemm170
(Companies) tables, and their reference tables such as tcmcs010 (Countries) and
tccom130 (Addresses), contain data that must be shared by all companies,
including the central DEM company, in the new multicompany structure. These
tables must be stored physically in only one company in the new structure. The
corresponding logical tables in the remaining companies in the new structure
must therefore all be linked to the same physical company. For example: the new multicompany structure consists of
companies 600, 601, 602 and 603. tccom000 and tcemm170 and their reference
tables are physically stored in company 600. The corresponding logical tables
in companies 601, 602 and 603 must therefore all be linked to physical company
600. To set up a proper sharing, including all relevant reference
tables, you can use the Table Sharing Modeler. For more information, refer to Table sharing in the LN Web Help. Step 3. Export data from source companiesRun the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session to export the data of the source
companies to sequential files. For each source company, the sequential files must be stored
in a separate directory, e.g. directory /tmp/500 for company 500, directory
/tmp/501 for company 501. Therefore you must export data from only one source
company at a time and store the sequential files in the corresponding
directory. You must export the data of all packages, except the
Enterprise Modeling (tg) package. Therefore you must run the session twice for
each source company: the first time to export data for packages in the range
aa-tf; the second time to export data for the packages th-zz. To export data for a source company: - Run the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session.
Points of attention: - Select the source company (only 1 company) from which
data must be exported.
- Select the range of packages for which data must be
exported: aa-tf
- Select the full range of tables: <empty> -
- Clear the Drop Table after Dump check box.
- Specify a field separator. This can be a pipe (|), or a
caret followed by a single uppercase alphabetical character: ^A, ^B, and so
- Enter the directory where the sequential files must be
stored. It is recommended to enter the company number as (part of) the
directory name. For example: use directory /tmp/500 to store the sequential
files of company 500. Note: if the specified directory does not exist, you must
create it first.
- Specify the name of the error file to which all error
messages and statistics information must be written.
- Run the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session again. Use exactly the same
settings as were used during the first export, except:
- Range of packages: th-zz
- Enter a different name for the error file. If you use
the same name, the first error file is overwritten by the second one.
Repeat these 2 steps for each source company that must be
copied. Step 4. Correct company numbersThe exported company data contains various references to
the source company numbers. For example: the records that are exported from the
Implemented Software Components (tccom000) table contain a reference to the
company number of the source company. Run the Copy Company Data (tccom0214m000) session to correct these references in the sequential
files, so that they refer to the target companies into which the data will be
imported. Points of attention: - You must run this session from each source company. For
example: you copy data from source companies 500 and 501 to target companies
600 and 601 respectively. After exporting data from the source companies you
- switch to company 500 and run this session to correct
the references in the files that were exported from company 500: all references
to company 500 and 501 must be replaced by references to company 600 and 601
- switch to company 501 and run this session to correct
the references in the files that were exported from company 501: all references
to company 500 and 501 must be replaced by references to company 600 and 601
- Specify the field separator that is used in the sequential
files: this is the same separator as the one that was specified during the
export in the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session.
- Enter the source company numbers, and the corresponding
target company numbers by which they must be replaced, in the Companies to Copy field. Refer to the online help of
this field for details.
- Leave the Enterprise Units to Copy field blank, because you
copy an existing multicompany structure, including the central DEM company. In
this case, the target companies use the new, target central DEM company. The
enterprise units used in the target companies will have the same codes as the
enterprise units used in the source companies. You do not need to change the
enterprise unit codes because they are unique in the new target central DEM
Step 5. Import data into target companiesRun the Create Table from Sequential Dump (ttaad4227m000) session to import the contents of the
sequential files into the target companies. You can only load data into a single company at a time;
therefore you must repeat this session for each target company. Points of attention: - Select the Create Tables for Different Company check box and specify the target company
- The target company is a new company without any tables.
Therefore you must clear the Append if Table Exists and Delete Existing Tables check boxes.
- Select the Create Rows before Index and Ignore Referential Integrity Constraints check boxes.
- Specify the field separator that is used in the sequential
files: this is the same separator as the one that was specified during the
export in the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session.
- Specify the directory where the sequential files are
stored. This is the same directory as the one that was specified during the
export in the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session.
- Enter * in the Pattern to Match Table Names field, to load all sequential files.
- Specify the name of the error file to which all error
messages and statistics information must be written.
After each import the Reorganize Tables (ttaad4225m000) session is started automatically. Do not reorganize
the tables at this stage. Click Close to quit this session.
The tables will be reorganized in the last step of this procedure. Check the
error file when the import process is completed. Step 6. Create missing tables for target companiesRun the Create Tables (ttaad4230m000) session to create missing tables for the target
companies. Step 7. Define the central DEM company for each target
companyRepeat the following steps for each target
company: - Switch to the new target company.
- Run the Central Company to store Enterprise Modeler Data (tgbrg0100s000) session. In this session
you must enter the company number of the central DEM company of the target
multicompany structure.
Example A multicompany structure, consisting of companies 500
(central DEM company), 501, 502 and 503, is copied to a new multicompany
structure, consisting of companies 600, 601, 602 and 603. You must run the
above mentioned session from each of the target companies, including company
600 itself, to define company 600 as the central DEM company. Step 8. Export version and model data from the source central DEM
companyTake the following steps: - Switch to any of the companies in the source multicompany
- Run the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session to export the version and model data. Points
of attention:
- Select the version to export
- Specify the name and path of the dump file
- Click Yes on All Tabs
- Click Yes in any questions that are
displayed during the export process
Step 9. Import version and model data into the target central DEM
companyTake the following steps: - Switch to any of the companies in the target multicompany
- Run the Import Version Dump (tgbrg1245m000) session to import the version and model data. Points
of attention:
- Specify the name and path of the dump file that was
created by the export process.
- Click Yes on All Tabs
- Click Yes in any questions that are
displayed during the import process
Step 10. Correct the financial company number for enterprise
unitsThe enterprise units in the enterprise structure model of
the target multicompany structure must be linked to the target financial
companies. - Switch to the central DEM company of the target
multicompany structure.
- Run the Enterprise Structure Models (tgbrg0512m000) session.
- Specify the current version (the version that was imported
in step 9). The imported Enterprise Structure Model is displayed.
- Select the model and subsequently, on the Specific menu, click Enterprise Structure Model Browser. The enterprise units are displayed in a graphical
- Repeat the following steps for each enterprise unit:
- Select the enterprise unit.
- On the Specific menu, click Details. A dialog is started.
- Replace the original financial source company by the
corresponding financial target company, e.g. replace company 501 by company
Step 11. Specify the operational enterprise structure
modelSpecify the operational enterprise structure model and
version for the target multicompany structure. - Switch to the central DEM company of the target
multicompany structure.
- Run the DEM Parameters (tgbrg0135s000) session.
- Specify the operational enterprise structure model and the
version (the model and the version that were imported in step 9).
Step 12. Reorganize tables and repair reference counters for target
companiesRun the Reorganize Tables (ttaad4225m000) session to reorganize the tables and to repair the
reference counters for all target companies. Select the following check boxes: - Data and Indices
- Reference Integrity
- Repair Reference Counter
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