Domains to be Displayed as Checkbox (ttgfd4520m000)

Use this session to define the domains that have to be displayed as check boxes.

Check boxes are small boxes which represent a field of the enumerated type which has exactly two values like, for example, true/false, yes/no, 1/0, on/off.

You have to work as follows:

  • Enter the domain that has to be displayed as a check box.
  • Define the enum value that will be displayed as checked.

After adding a domain in the grid, all form definitions, where the domain is used, must be re-calculated. This is to prevent messages such as Domain tg.yeno changed to checkbox; Resave this form.

To re-calculate the form definitions, complete one of these steps:

  • Open and save each involved form in the Dynamic Form Editor ( DFE).
  • Use the Save dynamic forms with DFE (ttadv2920m000) session to re-save a range of forms.


The domain's package code.
Domain Name
The code of the domain to be displayed as extended.
The enum value that must be displayed as a checked box.
Not Checked
The enum value that must be displayed as a non-checked box.