Labels (ttadv1540m000)

Use this session to find and select a label.

You can use the Sort By... options in the View menu to list the labels in different sort orders.

You can choose Find Pattern in Label on the appropriate menu to search for labels with a specific description.

Related topics


The language for which the labels are defined.
The package for which the labels are defined.

Forms, reports and menus of a particular package can only use labels of that same package.

The label code.
The number of lines of the label description. The maximum value is three lines.
The number of characters of one line of the label description.

The maximum value is 70 characters.

The VRC in which the label is defined.
The VRC in which the label is defined.
The VRC in which the label is defined.
Label Description
The label text that appears where the label is used in forms, reports and menus.

If you specified a height greater than one, you must use a % sign to indicate the line break.

To include the % character in the description, type %%.

The label's search argument. The search argument is part of the second index.

Default value

The first 10 characters of the label description, including the % signs.

Tools changes lowercase characters to uppercase characters.