Directories of Software Components (ttadv1115m000)

Use this session to create and maintain the run-time directories to store the software components of a package VRC. For each package VRC you must define the path to the directories for, for example, forms, menus, and so on.

The direction file fd6.2.<package combination> is automatically (re)built if the run-time directory is converted to the runtime data dictionary. The extension <package combination> represents the current package combination.

When you specify a runtime directory in the Path on System field, the system automatically creates a subdirectory for the package VRC. Refer to the help of the Path on System field for details.

Store software components on a remote system

You can store software components on a remote system. In that case, the full directory name must be preceded by the following prefix: <host name>!

For example: alpine!/usr/bse/application

The prefix method does not apply to program scripts, report scripts, libraries, and functions. If you want to use these components on a remote system, you must set the environment variable BSE_REM to the remote host. In this case the path must be the path on the remote system for all components, such as forms, menus, or objects. All components, including the forms, menus, and objects, are dumped on the remote system.


If you locate components on a remote system, you must define a remote user file r<user> in the $BSE/lib/user directory for each user who works with the specified package VRC . You can create a remote user file through the Remote User Data (ttaad2501m000) session.


Enter the package for which you want to create directories for software components. If you, for example, enter the package tt, the directories for the software components are for all VRCs.

It is not possible to enter separate directories for different VRCs in this package.

An upgrade of a package, for example, B61. Each change in the functionality of a package results in a new version. A version can contain several releases.
An update in a version. For example, 'B61 a', where 'B61' represents the version code, and the 'a' represents the release code. Each update results in a new release with a new release code.
A code that identifies a customized software package. For example, B61O_a_cus1, where 'B61O' represents the version, 'a' represents the release, and 'cus1' represents the customer extension of the customized software.
Softw. Component
The software component for which you must create a directory.

The following options are available:

  • Forms
  • Menus
  • Objects
  • Program Scripts
  • Functions
  • Report Scripts
  • Additional Files
Path on System
The full directory name where the run-time software component is located. The full name must start with a slash (/) for UNIX or a backslash (\) for Windows. This name can also contain environment variables, for example ${BSE}. Variable names must be enclosed by curly brackets.

The system automatically expands the directory name that you specified with a subdirectory with the name <Package><Version>_<Release>_<Customer>. See the following example:

  • Package = td
  • Version = B61O
  • Release = a
  • Customer = cus1
  • Path on System = /usr/bse/application

The system path that will be used at runtime is: /usr/bse/application/tdB61O_a_cus1.

If the directory (on the local system) does not exist, a question appears inviting you to create the directory.

You can also locate software components on a remote system. Refer to Store software components on a remote system for details.