Shared Memory Data (ttaad4156m000)

Use this session to maintain, per package combination, a list of report objects and/or program objects that must be loaded into shared memory.

This session replaces the already existing Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session, which is now deprecated.


Besides manually adding objects in shared memory, you can use commands in the appropriate menu to import objects from the data dictionary (DD) and from the object measurement data. For details, refer to the descriptions of the form commands.


As long as no objects are defined as shared memory data in this session, you can migrate the defined objects from the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session.

When you start the current ( Shared Memory Data (ttaad4156m000)) session, while no objects are defined yet, the following question is displayed:

Do you want to import all objects as defined in session Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000)?

If you click Yes, the migration process copies all objects from the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session to the current Shared Memory Data (ttaad4156m000) session.

  • If the VRC of an object, specified in the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session, is directly linked to a package combination (see the Packages by Package Combination (ttaad1121m000) session), the object will be linked to this package combination.
  • During a migration ALL data is copied, regardless (if present) allocated memory settings defined in the Allocated Memory Shared Memory (ttaad4155m000) session.
  • The data in the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session will NOT be deleted.
  • Information on the migration process will be stored in the log.shm_conv logfile in the ${BSE}/log folder.
  • The appropriate menu contains a command to migrate the shared memory data. According to the constraint mentioned above, this option is only enabled as long as no objects are defined as shared memory data in the current Shared Memory Data (ttaad4156m000) session.


Package Combination
The package combination to which a list of objects belongs.

Tools objects (objects of packages tt and tl) do not belong to a package combination, and are therefore stored in the dummy <empty> package combination. Therefore, to create a list of Tools objects to be loaded into shared memory, leave this field empty.

Table Def. in Shared Memory
This check box indicates whether table definitions and domains of a package combination must be loaded into shared memory. This field is technical and functional identical to the Table Def. in Shared Memory field in the Package Combinations (ttaad1120s000) session.
  • This field is read-only. However, as long as no objects are defined for a package combination, you can change its value in the Package Combinations (ttaad1120s000) session.
  • If one or more objects are defined for a package combination, the check box is automatically selected.
  • You can start the Package Combinations (ttaad1120s000) session through the appropriate menu.
The amount of memory (in MB), allocated for shared memory data, for a package combination.

To define allocated shared memory, click Allocate. The Allocated Memory Shared Memory (ttaad4155m000) session starts. Use this session to specify the allocated memory per package combination.

The total memory usage (in MB) of all objects, including the objects marked as Fixed, in shared memory for a package combination.

If the actual memory usage exceeds the allocated memory, an asterisk (*) symbol is displayed behind the allocated memory.

The total memory usage (in MB) of all objects marked as Fixed in shared memory for a package combination.
The name of the object.

The name has the following format: [package code][module code][object code].

The type of object: Program Object or Report Object.
The estimated size, in bytes, of the object in shared memory.
If this check box is selected, the object will not be removed from the shared memory data when you run the Import Objects from Measurement (ttaad4255m000) session with the Fill remaining allocated memory with most counted objects check box selected.

If this check box is cleared, the object will be removed from the shared memory data when you run the Import Objects from Measurement (ttaad4255m000) session with the Fill remaining allocated memory with most counted objects check box selected.


Import Objects from Shared Memory Data
Copies the shared memory data from the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session to the current Shared Memory Data (ttaad4156m000) session.

This option is only enabled as long as no objects are defined as shared memory data in the current session. For details, refer to Migration.

Import Objects from DD
Import Objects from Measurement
Package Combinations
Recalculate Object Size
The object size is stored as shared memory data. However the object size is not a static property. Therefore you can use this command to recalculate the size of the objects in shared memory for a package combination.
Convert to Runtime
Converts the shared memory data to runtime.

The procedure is identical to the procedure used in the deprecated Shared Memory Data (ttaad4150m000) session. However, you can only run the Convert to Runtime command on a host defined as Master Application Server (MAS) in the Systems (ttaad0550m000) session. If the host is not a MAS, the Convert to Runtime command is disabled.

Tools program domains, table definitions and objects (components of packages ‘tl’ and ‘tt’) are not directly related to a package combination. Therefore they are dumped only once, in the package combination that is dumped first.