Purge Device Queue (ttaad3221m000)Use this session to remove requests from the device queue. Important! You must purge the device queue regularly, because its contents increases continuously: each print request generates a new record in the printer queue table. When a print job is finished, the print request status changes to Done. When the delete-delay time has passed, the temporary print file is removed automatically and the request status is changed to Removed. However, the request is not deleted from the printer queue table. The only way to remove records from the printer queue table, is to purge the device queue through this session. Note You cannot purge requests with the status Waiting, Active, or Being converted, though they can be canceled in one of the two following sessions:
Device Define a range of devices for which you want to remove print
requests from the device queue. User Define a range of users for which you want to remove print
requests from the device queue. Sequence Number Define a range of print request sequence numbers to be removed
from the device queue. Sequence numbers are used to distinguish different requests from the same user. Status Specify the Print-Request Status (or define a range of statuses) of the requests to be removed
from the device queue. You can only purge requests with the following statuses:
Until Print Date/Time The date up to which you want to purge the device queue. Note
that the field defaults to one day less than the current date. Until Print Date/Time The time up to which you want to purge the device
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