Session-based Reporting

You can convert existing 4GL reports to a report design in XML format, so that the report becomes Report Viewer enabled. You can customize the layout of the converted report in the Reporting Studio.

To print the report, run the corresponding print session on the LN server, and send the output to a Report Viewer device. All business logic defined in the session and the original 4GL report is executed, therefore, a session-based report can be part of the business process. For example, the report can perform transactions in the database, or change the status of a record.


To set up session-based reporting, you must:

  1. Create a report project. For details, refer to To create a report project.
  2. Create session-based report designs. For details, refer to To create session-based reports in this chapter.
  3. Create a Report Viewer device. For details, refer to To create a Report Viewer device for session-based reports in this chapter.

For information on how to run session-based reports, refer to To run session-based reports