Switch Status (tsspc2201m000)

Use this session to change the statuses of activities planned for a range of Installation groups.

If you click Switch..., the statuses of the activities planned for your selection will be changed to the value you select in the Switch Status To field. You can also select a range of values for Activity Group, Activity, Activity Number, Planned Start Time, and Item, which limits the range of activities that

will be affected. The default values of all fields, except planned start time, will be such that all the activities in your range of Installation groups will have their statuses changed.


If you switch the status to Free or to Released:

  • No active service contract can be linked to the Installation group, for which the activity is planned.


Installation Group
The start value of the range of Installation groups whose planned activities you want to switch the status of.
Installation Group
The end value of the range of Installation groups whose planned activities you want to switch the status of.
Activity Group
This is the start value of the activity group range.
Activity Group
This is the final value of the activity group range.
This is the start value in the range of activities.
This is the final value in the range of activities.
Activity Line Number (From)
This is the start value of the activity number range.
Activity Line Number (To)
This is the end value of the activity number range.
Planned Start Time
This is the start value for your range of planned start times.
Planned Start Time
This is the end value for your range of planned start times.
From Item
This is the start value in the range of items.
From Serial Number
This is the start value in the range of serialized items.
To Item
This is the end value in the range of items.
To Serial Number
This is the end value in the range of serialized items.
Switch Status To
The value that the planned activities' statuses will be switched to.
Process Report
Error Report