Print Service Order Online Margin (tssoc4400m000)

  • The cost price/amount is printed in the local currency that is defined on the service order.
  • The sales price/amount is printed in the local currency that is defined on the service order.
  • The report contains details such as cost type, cost line, activity, total sales amount, total cost amount, invoice sales amount, invoice cost amount, gross margin amount, gross margin %, net margin amount, net margin % for the selected service orders.

The cost and sales amounts are printed on the basis of the currency system field in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

  • If the currency system is Independent then the report will be printed in either the local currency or the reporting currency based on which currency the user selects.
  • If the currency system is Dependent or Single then the report will be printed in the local currency only.


Service Order
The From and To fields define a range of: service orders.
Service Order
The From and To fields define a range of: service orders.
Print Currency
The print currency field will be visible only if the currency system field in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session is Independent. The default print currency will be the local currency defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.
Print Currency
The print currency field will be visible only if the currency system field in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session is Independent. The default print currency will be the local currency defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.


Prints the service order online margin for the service orders which are in the selection range.