Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000)

This session contains:

  • A history list of parameter sets and the effective dates of each set. The most recent parameter sets are at the end of the list.
  • The current parameter set, at the top of the list (without an effective date). To view historical sets, double-click one of the historical parameter sets. In the Print Service Parameters (tsmdm0400m000) session, you can print and compare the parameter sets.

To view or change the current parameters, double-click the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list to run the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session .

If you make changes and save the new parameter setting, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set at the end of the history list.
  • Updates the current set at the top of the list.

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter setting was saved. To avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the default Description text.


Effective Date
The date and time as of which the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of the most recent parameter setting.
The description of the parameter set, for example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.
Number Group Service Order Quotations
The code of the number group used for service order quotations.
The description or name of the code.
Quotation History
This parameter indicates the quotation information that will be stored when a quotation is moved to history.

Select one of the following options:

  • None
    LN deletes the service-order quotations and no history data is stored.
  • Header
    LN only posts the service-order quotation's header data to history.
  • Header & Terms
    LN posts both the header information and the corresponding terms of the service-order quotation to history.
Effectivity Period of Quotations [Days]
The number of days that a service-order quotation is valid. This number determines the default value of the Expiry Date field in the Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000) session when you create a new service-order quotation.
Number of Extra Quotation Copies [0-9]
The number of extra copies printed when you print a service order quotation.
Cost Component for Quotation Invoicing
If you create a service order from a service-order quotation, LN can create an invoice for the amounts agreed to in the service-order quotation. In this field, you can enter the default cost component used to create the invoice.
Cost Component for Quotation Invoicing
The name or description of the cost component.
Use Margin Control
If this check box is selected, gross margin (GM) control on service-order quotations is enabled. When the price of a service-order quotation is calculated, the gross margin is checked. If the margin exceeds the lower or upper limit, a signal appears.

If this check box is cleared, the gross margin control on service-order quotations is disabled.

If this check box is cleared, the Gross Margin and Net Margin are not filled in the Service Order Online Margin Control (tssoc4500m000) session.

The following table lists the results of the various values:

Lower marginApplicableNot Applicable
Upper marginApplicableNot Applicable
Margin baseApplicableNot Applicable


The gross margin is calculated according to one of the following basic formulas:

gross margin = (sales - cost of sales) / sales 
gross margin = (sales - cost of sales) / cost of sales 
Margin Base
Select whether the gross margin is calculated based on the sales value or on the cost of sales.
Repair Warranty
Default service type used to categorize service order generated/created from bad fix calls, manual service orders, or from planned activities. This service type is used to determine whether Repair Warranty is applicable for the service order.

This field is not mandatory. If you leave the Repair Warranty service type field empty, a warning message appears.

Related topics

Lower Margin
The percentage by which the actual sales price is allowed to be lower than the cost price.

The upper and lower margins enable you to monitor sales using gross margins.

When the costs of a service order quotation are calculated, if the gross margin percentage drops below this lower limit a warning message appears.


This field is unavailable if the Use Margin Control check box is cleared.

This field is applicable only for the Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000) session.

Upper Margin
The percentage that the actual sales price can exceed the cost price.

The upper and lower margins enable you to monitor sales by means of gross margins.

When the costs of a service order quotation are calculated, if the gross margin percentage exceeds this upper limit, a signal is given.


This field is unavailable if the Use Margin Control check box is cleared.

This field is applicable only for the Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000) session.

ATP Check Enabled
If this check box is selected, an ATP check is performed.

Related topics

Type for Material Requirement
The allocation and hard peging type. LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.

Default value

The default value is Not Applicable. You can change the allocation and hard pegging type.

Allocation and Hard Pegging Types

Select the allocation and hard pegging type. This field can have the following values:

  • Business Partner Based The inventory supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
  • Order Based The inventory supply for the service order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the service order.
  • Customer Reference Based The supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the customer reference
  • Internal Reference Based The supply for the Service Order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
  • Not Applicable The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.
Use Unallocated Inventory
If this check box is selected, Infor LN Enterprise Planning uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN Enterprise Planning does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.


LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:

  1. Allocated inventory
  2. Unallocated inventory

The field is disabled only when you select Not Applicable in the Type for Material Requirement field.

Number Group Service Orders
The code of the number group used to identify service orders.
Number Group Costing Sheets
The default number group for blank service-order costing-sheets.
Unit of Measure
The unit used to express length (and width) in material cost lines.

You must select this check box if this field is already used in the service-order material-costs.

Allowed values: Only unit codes with the physical-quantity value Length are permitted.

Unit of Measure
The name of the unit of measure.
Service Order History
If this check box is selected, you can transfer orders to service-order history. If this check box is cleared, you cannot copy the service order to History. You cannot delete closed or cancelled orders. Instead, you can only delete service orders. This applies for service order quotations, as well.
Inventory Commitments Required
If this check box is selected, inventory must be committed to the service order.

The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. If this check box is selected, these resources are committed to the service order.

Activity Line Mandatory
If this check box is selected, you must link an activity line number to all the cost lines in a service order like the Material, Labor, Other and so on except the Traveling line. By default, the check box is clear.

For cost lines of type Traveling, the activity line number is always zero even when you select the Activity Line Mandatory parameter. The travel line is generated when you select the Consolidate Travel cost parameter in the current session.

Use Master Routing
If this check box is selected, master routing data is used for field service.
Completion of Service Order
Specify how the service order must be completed.

If you select the option Interactive, a question is displayed when you set the last activity line or the last cost line of the service order to Completed status. If you select the option Automatic or Manual, the question is not displayed

Costing of Service Order
Specify how the service order must be costed.

Default value


Canceling of Service Order
Specify how the service order must be canceled.

Default value


If you select the option Interactive, a question is displayed when you cancel the last activity line or the last cost line of the service order. If you select the option Automatic or Manual, the question is not displayed

Number Group FCOs
The default number group used to identify field change orders (FCOs).
Number Group Claim Header
The number group that is used to generate first free numbers for claim header.
Matching Claim Number
If this check box is selected, the unique service order number is also assigned to the claim number.
Service Order Quotations
The code you enter in this field will be the default service type used to categorize the generated service order.
Service Order Quotations
The description or name of the service type.
Manual Service Order
The code of the default service type used to categorize a service order activity generated from a manual service order if no service type is specified for the manual service order.
Field Change Orders
The code of the default service type used to categorize a service order activity from a field change order (FCO) if no reference activity is specified for the FCO.

If a service order activity is generated from a field change order (FCO), and no service type is specified for the FCO, the code entered in this field will be the default service type used to categorize the generated service order activity.

Planned Activities
If a service order activity is generated from a preventive maintenance plan ( planned activities), and no service type is specified for the planned activities, the code entered in this field will be the default service type used to categorize the generated service order activity.
When a service order activity is generated from a service call, if no service type is specified for the service call, the code you enter in this field will be the default service type used to categorize the generated service order activity.
Tool Refurbishment
The default service type code that is used to categorize a service order activity generated from a tool refurbishment if no reference activity is specified for the tool refurbishment.
The default service type code used when the follow-up service order is created from an inspection.
The default service type code used when the follow-up service order is created from an ERP Project.
First Order Procedure Step for Blocking
This field dictates the number of stages at which a service order must be checked to check that the service order meets any of the selected signaling and blocking parameters, and if so is blocked by LN.
Signal If Credit Limit is Exceeded
If this check box is selected, LN signals the user if the credit limit of an invoice-to BP is exceeded.

If this check box is cleared, no signal is given, even if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.

Block If Credit Limit is Exceeded
If this check box is selected, LN blocks the service order if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.

If this check box is cleared, the service order will not be blocked, even if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.

Signal If Credit Review is Overdue
If this check box is selected, LN signals the user if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.

If this check box is cleared, no signal is given, even if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.

Block If Credit Review is Overdue
If this check box is selected, LN blocks the service order if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.

If this check box is cleared, the service order will not be blocked, even if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.

Signal If Invoice is Overdue
If this check box is selected, LN signals the user if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice.

If this check box is cleared, no signal is given, even if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice.

Block If Invoice is Overdue
If this check box is selected, LN blocks the service order if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice amount.

If this check box is cleared, the service order is not blocked, even if the invoice-to BP has an invoice amount overdue.

Signal If business partner is Doubtful
If this check box is selected, LN signals the user if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.

If this check box is cleared, no signal is given, even if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.

Block If business partner is Doubtful
If this check box is selected, LN blocks the service order if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.

If this check box is cleared, the service order is not blocked, even if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.

Use Manufacturing Projects
If this check box is selected, integration with the Project Control module in Manufacturing is possible.

If this check box is cleared, integration with the Project Control module in Manufacturing is not possible.

Order Escalation Time
The period of time after which a released emergency service order will be treated as a deferred emergency service order. For an emergency service order not yet attended by a service engineer, when the order release date/time plus the order escalation time occurs in the past, that order is treated as a deferred emergency service order. The list of such orders can be viewed using the Deferred Emergency Service Orders (tssoc2502m000) session.
Searching Based on
When a new service order is registered, LN searches for existing service orders.

Allowed values

Searching Based on

If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Free.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Planned.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Released.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Completed.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Costed.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Closed.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Canceled.
If this check box is selected, status of the service order will set to Rejected.
If you select the Distance and the Consolidate Travel cost check box, LN creates a separate cost line for traveling distance in the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session when you run the Run Global SRP (tssoc2260m000) session.

If you do not select the Consolidate Travel cost check box, LN creates a separate cost line for traveling distance in the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session.

Cost Component for Traveling
The default cost component for traveling expenses in Service Order Control.

If the Travel Cost Method parameter in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is set to None, this field unavailable.

If you select the Time and the Consolidate Travel cost check box, LN creates a separate cost line for traveling time in the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session when you run the Run Global SRP (tssoc2260m000) session.

If you do not select the Consolidate Travel cost check box, LN creates a separate cost line for traveling time in the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session.

Consolidate Travel cost
If this check box is selected, the following travel lines are created in the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session when you run the Run Global SRP (tssoc2260m000) session:
  • Travel Total
  • Travel Distance
  • Travel Time

If you do not select this check box, LN creates a travel distance line; a travel time line or a travel callout charge line in the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session.

The cost of travel time and distance travelled is consolidated. This consolidated cost amount is invoiced to the customer as a single Travel Total cost line.


If, in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session, the value selected in the Traveling Cost Method field is None, LN does not create travel cost lines when you run global SRP for a service order.

Task Code for Travel Hours in Hours Accounting
The default task code given to traveling hours when you maintain hours accounting in People.
The name or description of the task.
Default Cost Component
The default cost component given to the hours accounted to carrying out a service order.

Hours accounting is carried out in People.

Default Labor Type
The default labor type for normal work hours accounted to a service order in the Hours and Expenses module of People.
The description or name of the labor type.
Labor Line Mandatory
If this check box is selected, a reference to a Service Order Labor Cost line must be specified when a line is created in the Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000) session.
Travel Line Mandatory
If this check box is selected, a reference to a Service Order Other Cost line must be specified when a line is created in the Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000) session.
Delivery Type 'From Warehouse'
If this check box is selected, return deliveries with delivery type To Warehouse are generated for material lines with original delivery type From Warehouse when reporting a service order or service order activity involving non-consumed items completed.

The user must enter the actual Cumulative Quantity with the consumed value and report the service order activity or service order completed. As a result a warehousing order of the type Receipt with delivery type To Warehouse is generated.

Delivery Type 'From Warehouse by Transport'
If this check box is selected, and non-consumed items are present on the material line with delivery type From Warehouse by Transport, a new transfer order is created for the return material line with delivery type To Warehouse by Transport. The transfer order is created when a service order or service order activity is costed.
Delivery Type 'From Warehouse in Car'
If this check box is selected, and non-consumed items are present on the material line with delivery type To Warehouse, a new transfer order is created for the return material line with delivery type From Warehouse in Car. The transfer order is created when a service order or service order activity is costed.
Delivery Type 'From Purchase Order'
If this check box is selected, return deliveries with delivery type To Warehouse are generated for material lines with original delivery type By Purchase Order, when you report completed a service order or service order activity involving non-consumed items.
Delivery Type 'Supplier Direct Delivery'
If this check box is selected, return deliveries with delivery type Supplier Direct Return are generated for the material lines when you report completed a service order or service order activity involving non-consumed items. The process is used to return the non-consumed items to the supplier directly or to a warehouse mentioned on the original line.
Generate Freight Order for Returns
This setting is used to default values to the actual material lines. This field is defaulted based on the following table:
Generate Freight Order for Returns (Service Order Parameters)Generate Freight Order’ in Supplier Direct Delivery lineDefault for Generate Freight Order for Returns (Supplier Direct Delivery Line)


Copy Freight Invoicing Information to Direct Return Line
This setting is used to default values to the actual material lines. This field is defaulted based on the following table:
Copy Freight Invoicing Information to Return Line’ (Service Order Parameters)Generate Freight Order for Returns’ in Supplier Direct Delivery lineDefault for Copy Freight Invoicing Information to Return Line (Supplier Direct Delivery Line)


Warehouse for Repairable Items
If this field specifies a warehouse and the item specified in the Service Order Estimated Material Costs (tssoc2120m000) session is a material line with an item for which Repairable is set to Yes, when the service order or service order activity is reported completed, a new material line for the repairable item is created with delivery type To Warehouse and the To be Delivered field as 0.
  • The user must enter the quantity whenever a return is applicable.
  • The repairable warehouse must be of type Normal, Service or Service Reject.
The name of the warehouse.
Use Fixed Repair Prices in Service Orders
If this check box is selected, “fixed repair prices” is used for service orders.
Search Path for Estimated Sales Rate
One of six possible search path levels.
  • After you define the search path levels and save the parameter settings, LN checks the following:

    • A value can only occur once.
    • Intermediate fields cannot be empty.
  • If a labor rate is always required, select Service Department in one of the six search path fields.
  • Any search path options that you specify after the Service Department option are ignored.

LN allows you to define the estimated labor sales rate at skill level, only if the Skill checkbox is selected in General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Search Path for Actual Sales Rate
One of six possible search path levels.
  • After you define the search path levels and you save the parameter settings, LN checks the following:

    • A value can only occur once.
    • Intermediate fields cannot be empty.
  • If a labor rate is always required, select Service Department in one of the six search path fields.
  • Any search path options that you specify after the Service Department option are ignored.

LN allows you to define the actual labor sales rate at skill level, only if the Skill checkbox is selected in General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Search Path for Estimated Cost Rate
One of up to six search path levels.
  • After you define the search path levels and you save the parameter settings, LN checks the following:

    • A value can only occur once.
    • Intermediate fields cannot be empty.
  • If a labor rate is always required, select Service Department in one of the six search path fields.
  • Any search path options that you specify after the Service Department option are ignored.

LN allows you to define the estimated labor cost rate at skill level, only if the Skill checkbox is selected in General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Search Path for Actual Cost Rate
One of six possible search path levels.
  • After you define the search path levels and you save the parameter settings, LN checks the following:

    • A value can only occur once.
    • Intermediate fields cannot be empty.
  • If a labor rate is always required, select Service Department in one of the six search path fields.
  • Any search path options that you specify after the Service Department option are ignored.

LN allows you to define the actual labor cost rate at skill level, only if the Skill checkbox is selected in General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Paging Interval
The period of time in which the engineer is expected to respond to a paging message.

If a priority code with a specified page response time is related to the original call, this value is defaulted. Otherwise, the default is retrieved from the Page Response Time [min] field in the Priorities (tcmcs0170m000) session.


This field is visible, only if the Paging Active checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.

Folder for Sent Messages
The name and the path of the folder in which paging messages are stored.

This field is visible, only if the Paging Active checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.

Paging Service Name
The name or code that identifies the paging provider in the paging message header.

This field is visible, only if the Paging Active checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.

Paging Service ID
An alphanumeric code that enables the paging provider to verify if the paging message actually originates from this particular service organization.

This field is visible, only if the Paging Active checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.

Field Separator for Page Provider
Up to three characters used to separate the items in the paging message header.

You can specify field separators for the contents of paging messages in the Message Layout (tsmdm1175m000) session.


This field is visible, only if the Paging Active checkbox in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.

Acknowledgement Sheet
If this check box is selected, a standard acknowledgement sheet template is present.
Appointment Sheet
If this check box is selected, a standard repair report template is present.
Repair Report
If this check box is selected, a standard repair report template is present.
Default Preferred Engineer during Global SRP
If this check box is selected, LN assigns the preferred engineer to a service order header when you run the Run Global SRP (tssoc2260m000) session.

If this check box and the Generate Default Assignment check box in Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session is selected, LN assigns the preferred engineer to a service order header and generates assignments for this preferred engineer, when you run the Run Global Service Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session. Assignments are generated only for activities that have no assignments defined for this engineer.

If this check box is selected and the Generate Default Assignment check box in Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session is not selected, only the preferred engineer is assigned to the service order header when you run the Run Global Service Resource Planning (tssoc2260m000) session.

If a service engineer is not linked to the service order header, Infor LN retrieves the service engineer in the following order:

  • Preferred Engineer defined for the serialized item
  • Preferred Engineer defined for the (nearest) parent item
  • Preferred Engineer defined for the Installation Group
Default Preferred Engineer during Order Creation
If this check box is selected, LN defaults the preferred engineer in the service order header session when a service order is created or modified and before the order is released.

LN retrieves the service engineer in the following order:

  • Preferred Engineer defined for the serialized item
  • Preferred Engineer defined for the (nearest) parent item
  • Preferred Engineer defined for the Installation Group
Use Service Kits for Calls
If this check box is selected, when you execute the Run Global SRP (tssoc2260m000) session, LN attempts to allocate a service kit for a service order activity for call solution.
Create Backorder for Warehousing Transfer Orders
If this check box is selected, a back order is created in Warehousing in case shortages occur during a goods transfer with order origin service.


If a service company requests for 10 pieces of item X from the warehouse when the available stock is only four pieces, the warehouse ships the four pieces to the service company and raises a back order in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session for the six pieces.

Step Size for Activity
The number that defines the sequence for the successive steps that must be performed for activity.

For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive activities are 10, 20, 30, and so on.

Step Size for Line
The number that defines the sequence for the successive maintenance sales order lines. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive maintenance sales order lines are 10, 20, 30, and so on.
Order Escalation Time
The unit used to express the duration.
Total Invoice
If this check box is selected, and you change the service order status to Costed, LN posts all actual cost lines to Invoicing simultaneously.

Default value


If this check box is cleared, the actual cost lines can be separately approved and posted to Invoicing. You can use this setting if, for example, a service order takes a long time to finish and accelerated invoicing is required. You can also post the actual cost lines to Invoicing if you change the service order status or the service-order activity status to Costed.

  • If the service order status is Free or Planned, you can modify the setting in this field.
  • For internal service orders, this field is not applicable.
Travel Planning Method
The method that indicates whether the travel planning is based on service order header or service order activity line.
Generate Travel Lines for Service Orders
If this check box is selected, LN generates a travel line for the service order.
Moment of Travel Line Creation
The process that indicates when LN creates the travel lines.

This field is applicable only if the Generate Travel Lines for Service Orders check box is selected.

Generate Travel Call-out Charge Lines
If this check box is selected, a travel call-out charge line is generated.

This field is applicable only if the Generate Travel Lines for Service Orders check box is selected.