| Generating supplier claimThe Generate Supplier Claim (tscmm1260m000) session is used
for the generation of supplier claims. A supplier claim can be generated for supplier claim requests
that have the Buy-from Business Partner and the Service Type specified in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session. Supplier claim request can be created from: - The customer claim line, setting the field Generate Supplier Claim to To Be Generated.
- A Service Order Material Line, Labor Line or other Cost Line or
from a Maintenance Sales Coverage Line using the Transfer to Supplier Claim option from the Action
Grouping Supplier Claim Requests In the Generate Supplier Claim (tscmm1260m000) session, you can group supplier claim requests
to one supplier claim: - If the Group checkbox is selected, LN sets the Group by Buy-from Business Partner and Group by Service Type fields to checked. LN searches for the most recent claim header with
the same Buy-from BP and Service Type.
- If the Group by Origin check box is selected, LN generates a claim line for
each of the supplier claim request and links these lines to the latest Supplier
Claim header with the same origin. For Example: If the Group by Origin check box is selected, the supplier
claim requests originating from a customer claim is not grouped with the
supplier claim requests originating from a service order. In case a Supplier
Claim header with the same origin does not exist, LN generates a new
header (with the same origin).
- If the Group by Purchase Reference check box is selected, LN generates a claim line for each
of the supplier claim request lines and links these
lines to the most
recent Supplier Claim
header with
the same Purchase
- If the Group by Installation check box is selected, LN generates a claim line for each
of the supplier claim requests
and links this lines
to the claim header (with the same installation,
installation group, main item and main serial). If the Group by Installation check box is selected, you have
to select at least one of the Group by Installation Group, Group by Item and, Group by Serial check boxes.
- If
the Group by Installation Group check box is selected, LN generates a claim
line for each of the supplier claim request lines and links these lines to the
most recent Supplier claim header (with the same Installation Group).
- If
the Group by Item check box is selected, LN generates a Supplier
claim line for each of the supplier claim requests and links these lines to the
most recent Supplier Claim header (with the same Item).
- If
apart from the Group by Item checkbox the Group by Serial check box is also selected, LN generates a Supplier
Claim line for each of the supplier claim requests and links these lines to the
most recent Supplier Claim header (with the same the same item and serial).
If the Copy Internal Claim Text and Copy External Claim Text check boxes in the Generate Supplier Claim (tscmm1260m000) session are selected, the relevant text is
copied from the origin
order to the supplier claim on the header as well as
line level. | |