Creating supplier claim requests from service order cost lines/maintenance sales coverage lines

You can create supplier claim requests from service order material lines, labor lines, other cost lines or maintenance sales coverage lines. The lines are transferred to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session using the Transfer to Supplier Claim option from the Action menu in these sessions.

LN populates the data in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session, based on the value, the Origin field is set to.

From Service Order(tssoc2100m100) session

You can transfer all the actual cost lines (linked to the service order); to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session. LN populates the data in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session and the Origin field is set to Service Order.


You can also transfer all actual cost lines linked to the activity simultaneously from the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session using the Transfer to Supplier Claim option from the Action menu.

It is possible to modify the Supplier Claim request data in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session and also to delete the Supplier Claim Request,

From Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session

You can transfer the actual material cost lines from the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session, only if the following criteria is met:

  • No open supplier claim line must exist for service order material line.
  • When you transfer the service order cost lines, the Delivery Type field must be set to one of the following values:
    • From Warehouse
    • From Warehouse in Car
    • From Warehouse by Transport
    • From Service Kit
    • From Service Inventory
    • By Purchase Order
    • By Field Purchase
    • Supplier Direct Delivery

When the actual material cost lines is transferred, the following values are defaulted from the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session:

  • Buy-from BP
  • Cumulative Quantity
  • Sales Quantity Unit
  • Total Cost Amount

The option Transfer to Supplier Claim is enabled only if the service order line status is set to Costed or Posted to Finance.

If the service order material line is a return line (To Warehouse), the amount for the line is negative and therefore, must not be transferred to a supplier claim.

From Service Order Actual Labor Costs (tssoc2131m000) session

When an actual labor cost line is transferred from the Service Order Actual Labor Costs (tssoc2131m000) session to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session; the following values are defaulted :

  • Time Quantity
  • Total Cost Amount
  • Time Quantity Unit

The option Transfer to Supplier Claim is enabled only if the service order line status is set to Costed or Posted to Finance.

From Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session

When an actual other cost line is transferred from the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session; the following values are defaulted:

  • Quantity
  • Total Cost Amount
  • Time Quantity Unit

The option Transfer to Supplier Claim is enabled only if the service order line status is set to Costed or Posted to Finance.

From Coverage Lines (tsmsc1120m000) session

When you transfer the coverage lines to the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session, LN populates the data in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session and the Origin field is set to Maintenance Sales Order.

When the coverage line is transferred, the following values are defaulted from the Coverage Lines (tsmsc1120m000) session:

  • Total Cost Amount
  • Serial Number
  • Item
  • Cost Component
  • Consumed Quantity
  • Time Quantity Unit

You can transfer the coverage line only if the Cost Type field is not set to Uptime or Quotation Invoice in the Coverage Lines (tsmsc1120m000) session . You can generate a supplier claim request line if the cost amount of the coverage line is negative or zero, but LN generates a warning message. However, before generating the Actual Supplier Claim, the quantity and amount must be modified manually to a value greater than zero, in the Supplier Claim Requests (tscmm1114m000) session, before you can generate the actual Supplier Claim lines.

  • The option Transfer to Supplier Claim is enabled only if the Coverage Lines (tsmsc1120m000) Status is set to Costed or Posted to Finance.