Subcontracting - Work Order

A single company may not deliver the entire range of services. In which case, the company may subcontract the entire service of a product to a subcontractor.

In LN, you can enter into a subcontracting agreement with the supplier to carry out the required services as specified in the work order.

You must define a Cost or Service item and a Subcontractor on the work order to identify that the work order is subcontracted.

When you release the work order a purchase order is generated for the subcontractor. A subcontracting cost line is created in the Work Order Other Resources (tswcs4130m000) session with the cost type set to Subcontracting to register the cost and sales related to the subcontracted work.

When the purchase order generated is received, it indicates the delivery of the required services.


You must subcontract the entire work order.