To create a physical breakdown from a sales order (line)

You can use the Create Physical Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m000) session to create the physical breakdown from a sales order (line).

  • Sales must be implemented to create the physical breakdown from a sales order or sales order line. Refer to the Order Management (TD) check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • If you read "order" in the text hereafter, sales order is intended.

The customized BOM is used when the items in the order lines are customized to create a new physical breakdown structure. Customized BOMs are identified by the item's project segment in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session.

Before you can create a physical breakdown from a sales order line, you must perform three preliminary steps:

  1. Link the sales order lines to an Installation group.
  2. Release the sales order to warehousing.
  3. Perform the outbound procedure of the warehouse issue.
Preliminary steps
Step 1. Link the sales order lines to an Installation group
  1. Start the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
  2. On the appropriate menu, point to After Sales, and click Link Installation group to Sales Order Lines.
  3. In the Link Installation Group to Sales Order Lines (tscfg2201m000) session, under Selection Range, enter or select the sales order and, if applicable, the sales order line.
  4. Enter or select the Installation group to which the sales order (line) must be linked.
  5. Click Link.
Step 2. Release the sales order to warehousing
  1. Start the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.
  2. Select the appropriate sales order and, on the appropriate menu, click Release to Warehousing.
  3. In the Release Sales Orders to Warehousing (tdsls4246m000) session, enter any other required data.
  4. Click Release.
Step 3. Perform the outbound procedure of the warehouse issue
  1. In the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session, check whether the warehouse order is created.
  2. Use the appropriate options on the appropriate menu to generate and release the outbound advice.
  3. On the appropriate menu in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session, click Shipment Lines.
  4. In the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, select the outbound line and, on the appropriate menu, click Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads.
To create a physical breakdown from a sales order line
  1. Start the Create Physical Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m000) session.
  2. Set Source to Item Breakdown.
  3. Select the Deliveries check box.
  4. Under Selection Range, enter or select the appropriate Installation group, item, or serialized item data.
  5. On the Target tab, under Defaults, enter or select the serialized item group to which the newly created serialized items can belong.
  6. Specify a service department and a delivery date as required.
  7. Under Item Effectiveness, select the Check Effectivity check box to enter a date that LN uses to check the validity of the item-breakdown components. LN only copies the components that are valid on the entered date. If you want to copy all components, leave the Check Effectivity check box cleared.
  8. Under Options, select the Generate Dummy Serial Numbers check box, and any of the other check boxes, as required.
  9. Click Create.

LN processes as follows:

  • Creates a serialized item for the item on every order line. The serial number of the serialized item is created according to a mask.
  • Creates serialized items for the item-breakdown components also, if the item on an order line has an item breakdown.
  • Uses these serial numbers to create the top-serialized items, if sales items are shipped from Warehousing and serial numbers are created for these sales items in Warehousing.