Contract management - history

The Contract Management History menu group enables you to view the historical data stored by LN. You can print or delete the data.

The data is derived from the following modules in Contract Management

You can use one of the following settings in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session to select the amount of information stored before deletion

  • None
  • Header
  • Header & Terms

If you select the Header & Terms option, the consumption of disk resources is high.

Depending on the context you can store the following two sets of header information:

Use the Copy Contract Quotations to History (tsctm2280m000) session to move service contract quotations to history. The status of the service contract quotation must be set to Processed or Cancelled. LN deletes the service contract quotations from the Contract Quotations (tsctm2100m000) session after moving the data into history.

Use the Copy Service Contracts to History (tsctm3280m000) session to move the service contracts to history. The status of the service contract must be set to Closed. LN deletes the service contract from the Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session after moving the data into history. The installments are moved when the associated service contract is moved to history.