Service hours accounting

You can do the hours accounting for service activities in the following sessions:

  • Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000)
  • Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000)
Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000)

In this session the hours accounting is handled per service order. You can start this session from the appropriate menu in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session or the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session.

LN processes the hours that you have entered when you process the integration transaction in the Post Integration Transactions (tfgld4282m000) session.

For details about the transactions, refer to Service Order / Operation Costs. For details about the integration transactions generated through People, refer to Integration document types - People.

The Labor Time and Overtime fields display the total working hours per week, based on the Regular Hours and Overtime hour types of the labor type.


You can enter the general working hours, that is hours not related to a service order, in the Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000) session.

Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000)

In this session the hours accounting can be handled per service employee. The general working hours that cannot be related to a service order can be entered in this session. For example, if a service employee has a meeting with his supervisor about general matters.

The Labor Time and Overtime fields display the total working hours per week, based on the Regular Hours and Overtime hour types of the labor type.