To create an item breakdown from a standard production BOM

You can use the Create Item Breakdown from Standard Production BOM (tscfg1210m200) session to copy a production BOM to an item breakdown. This functionality can help you create Installation groups.

  • You must implement Manufacturing to use this session. Select the Manufacturing (TI) check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
  • The item breakdown can contain less items than the production BOM.
  1. Start the Item Breakdowns (tscfg1110m000) session.
  2. On the appropriate menu, click Create from Standard Production BOM to start the Create Item Breakdown from Standard Production BOM (tscfg1210m200) session.
  3. Enter or select the top item to copy from in the Production BOM field.
  4. Under Settings, select the Check Effectivity check box to enter a date that LN uses to check the validity of the production-BOM item. LN only copies the items that are valid on the entered date. To copy all the items, clear the Check Effectivity check box .
  5. Click Create.
  • If the item breakdown already exists for the top item in the production BOM, the question "Item Breakdown Already Exists. Overwrite?" appears. If you click Yes, the existing item breakdown is completely replaced.
  • Make sure that the default item data is present in the Items - General Defaults (tcibd0502m000) session for the combination of item type and item group of the production-BOM items.
  • The BOMs of customized items cannot be copied. You can copy the customized BOM to a standard production BOM with the Copy Customized Product Structure to Standard Structure (tipcs2232m000) session and proceed as described in this topic.
  • LN always creates the item breakdown for one (1) parent item. Therefore, if the BOM quantity of the top item in the production BOM is greater than one (1), LN converts the quantity of the BOM items to a top-item quantity of one (1).
  • If you create an item breakdown for manufactured items with a BOM quantity greater than one (1), this can result in a decimal quantity of the item-breakdown components.
  • LN copies production-BOM (P-BOM) items listed in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session or the Items - Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session to the new item breakdown. Note P-BOM Items that are only listed in the Items - Service Defaults (tsmdm2105m000) session are copied (based on the defaults) to the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session, by LN, when you create the new item breakdown.
  • LN copies the production-BOM items with a quantity greater than zero (0).
  • LN copies the production-BOM items that are serial-number controlled. Make sure that the Serialized check box in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session is selected for the BOM items.
  • You can create a physical breakdown from the item breakdown with the Create Physical Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m000) session.