Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000)

Use this session to access the details of the related orders for the specific service order, maintenance sales order, and work order.

You can also access this session from the following sessions:

  • From Service Orders:

    • Service Order (tssoc2100m000)
    • Service Order Lines (tssoc2100m100)
    • Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000)
    • Service Order Activity Lines (tssoc2110m100)
    • Service Order Estimated Material Lines (tssoc2120m000)
    • Actual Material Lines (tssoc2121m000)
    • Actual Other Cost Lines (soc2141m000)
  • From Maintenance Sales Orders:

    • Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000)
    • MSO - Lines(tsmsc1100m100)
    • Maintenance Sales Order Lines (tsmsc1110m000)
    • Coverage Lines (tsmsc 1120m000)
  • From Work Order:

    • Work Orders (tswcs2100m000)
    • Work Order - Lines (tswcs2100m100)
    • Work Order Material Resources (tswcs4110m000)


Service Order Number
The number used to identify the order.

The field name varies based on the origin of the related order.

The possible values are the following:

  • Service Order: The origin is the Service Order sessions.
  • Maintenance Sales Order: The origin is the Maintenance Sales Order sessions.
  • Work Order: The origin is the Work Orders sessions.
Activity/ Part Line Number
The activity / part line number.

The field name varies based on the origin of the related order.

The possible values are the following:

  • Activity Line when the origin is Service order or Work order: The activity line represents the reference activity or master routing that must be carried out for the work order. The activity line is identified by a sequence number.
  • Part Line for Maintenance Sales order: The item line number.
Cost Type
Cost/Coverage Line
The cost / coverage line number

The field name varies based on the origin of the related order.

The possible values are the following:

Sequence Number
The sequence number.
Related Order Type
The related order type.

Following are the possible values:

  • Warehouse
  • Purchase
  • Freight
Transaction Type
Related Order Number
The order number of the related order.
Related Line Number
The line number of the related order
Related Sequence Number
The sequence number of the related order.
The status of the related order.
The company of the related order.


Status Overview
Displays the current status of the related order.
Filter: Shipments, Receipts and Invoices
Filters the records to display the Related Orders excluding Shipment, Receipt, Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice order types.