User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000)

Use this session to maintain a list of user profiles.

User profiles are attached to a login code, which can be the login code of an individual and/or a service department.

The service department that is linked to a login code will have its number groups and series, which are displayed in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session, used as the default values for the login code.


Login Code
The login code that the user defaults apply to.

A service employee can have more than one login code and, therefore, user defaults. A login code with associated user defaults can be created for a service department (without specifying a service employee) so that employees of that department can use the login code and its associated user defaults.

Service Employee
The service employee that the user defaults are applied to when they use the login code.
Service Employee
The name of the service employee.
Service Department
The code of the service department that is linked to the login code. The number groups and series of this service department will be the default number groups and series for an employee using the associated login code, which is displayed in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session.

You can have a login code with a defined service department but no defined service employee. This means that a service employee with no defined user defaults can use the login code of the service department and assume the user defaults. Therefore, you do not need to create user defaults for every service employee in a department.

Service Department
The name or description of the service department that is linked to the login code.
Automatic Start
If this check box is selected, the search engine starts automatically when searching for an Installation group or serialized item.

Only available if the search engine is implemented at the company level.

Sales Representative
The default sales representative for employees using the associated login code.
Sales Representative
The name of the user's default sales representative.
Contract Quotations
The login code's default number group for contract quotations. This is the number group of the login code's service department, which is defined in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.
Contract Quotations
The login code's default series of the number group that is specified for contract quotations.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group for contract quotations.

Contract Quotations
The description or name of the series.
The default number group for contracts. This is the number group of the login code's service department, which is defined in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.
The login code's default series of the number group that is specified for contracts.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group for contracts.

Subcontract Agreement
The login code's default number group for Subcontract Agreements. This is the number group of the login code's service department, which is defined in the Subcontract Management Parameters (tssbm0100m000) session.
Subcontract Agreement Series Number
The series for subcontract agreements.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, where only the unblocked series of the number group for subcontract agreement are displayed.

Order Quotations
The login code's default number group for service-order quotations. This is the number group of the login code's service department that is defined in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
Order Quotations
The login code's default series of the number group that is specified for service order quotations.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group for service order quotations.

Service Order
The login code's default number group for service orders. This is the number group of the login code's service department, which is defined in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
Service Order
The login code's default series of the number group that is specified for service orders.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group for service orders.

The login code's default number group for calls. This is the number group of the login code's service department and is defined (to the service department) in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.
The login code's default series of the number group that is specified for calls.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group that is specified for calls.

Field Change Order
The login code's default number group for field change orders (FCOs). This is the number group of the login code's service department and is defined (for the service department) in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
Field Change Order
The login code's default series number for field change orders (FCOs).

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group that is specified for FCOs.

Number Group Customer Claim
The number group for Customer Claims. This number group is defined in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session.
Series Customer Claim
The series of the number group that is specified for the claim headers.
Number Group Supplier Claim
The number group for Supplier Claims. This number group is defined in the Claim Management Parameters (tscmm0100m000) session.
Series Supplier Claim
The series of the number group that is specified for the claim headers.
Work Order
The login code's default number group for work orders. This is the number group of the login code's service department, and is defined (for the service department) in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
Work Order
The login code's default series number for work orders.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked series of the number group that is specified for work orders.

Maintenance Sales Order
The login code's default number group for maintenance sales orders. This is the number group of the login code's service department and is defined (for the service department) in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.
Maintenance Sales Order
The login code's default series number for maintenance sales orders.

Selected from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, which will only display the unblocked Series of the number group that is specified for maintenance sales orders.

Maintenance Sales Quotation (Number Group)
The number group for maintenance sales quotations. This is a display field.

The number group is defined in the Quotation Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.

Maintenance Sales Quotation (Series Number)
The series number for maintenance sales quotations.
Screen Configuration
Service Order
Materials (Service Order Material Costs)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Material Costs (tssoc2122m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Materials and/or the Actual Materials check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Labor (Service Order Labor Costs)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Labor Costs (tssoc2132m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Labor and/or the Actual Labor check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Other (Service Order Other Costs)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Other Costs (tssoc2142m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Other and/or the Actual Other check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Estimated Materials
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Material Costs (tssoc2120m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Materials (Service Order Material Costs) check box is selected.
Estimated Labor
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Labor Costs (tssoc2130m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Labor (Service Order Labor Costs) check box is selected.
Estimated Other
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Other (Service Order Other Costs) check box is selected.
Actual Materials
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Materials (Service Order Material Costs) check box is selected.
Actual Labor
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Labor Costs (tssoc2131m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Labor (Service Order Labor Costs) check box is selected.
Actual Other
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Other (Service Order Other Costs) check box is selected.
If this check box is selected, the Service Engineer Assignments List (tssoc2505m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Hours Accounting Line in Service Order
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Service Order Activity
Materials (Materials in Service Order Activity)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Material Costs (tssoc2122m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Materials and/or the Actual Materials check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Labor (Labor in Service Order Activity)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Labor Costs (tssoc2132m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Labor and/or the Actual Labor check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Other (Other in Service Order Activity)
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Other Costs (tssoc2142m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Estimated Other and/or the Actual Other check boxes are selected.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Estimated Materials
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Material Costs (tssoc2120m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Materials (Materials in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
Estimated Labor
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Labor Costs (tssoc2130m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Labor (Labor in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
Estimated Other
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Other (Other in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
Actual Materials
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Materials (Materials in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
Actual Labor
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Labor Costs (tssoc2131m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Labor (Labor in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
Actual Other
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Actual Other Costs (tssoc2141m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.
  • This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if the Other (Other in Service Order Activity) check box is selected.
If this check box is selected, the Service Engineer Assignments List (tssoc2505m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Hours Accounting Line in Service Order Activity
If this check box is selected, the Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Required Skills
If this check box is selected, the Required Skills by Activity (tstdm2111m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Skills and the Field Service check boxes are selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the Inspections (tscfg3100m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Use Inspections and the Field Service check boxes are selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Maintenance Notifications
If this check box is selected, the Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Maintenance Sales Order
Part Maintenance
If this check box is selected, the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Depot Repair check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Part Loan
If this check box is selected, the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Loan Lines (tsmsc1110m200) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Depot Repair check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Part Delivery
If this check box is selected, the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Delivery Lines (tsmsc1110m300) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Depot Repair check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Part Receipt
If this check box is selected, the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Receipt Lines (tsmsc1110m400) session is displayed as a satellite session in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session.

This field is displayed only if the Depot Repair check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.