Internal Price Search Method

  • Price Books Service/Sales

    The Default Service Price Book is used. This price cannot be specific for one Business Partner. If this price book is not defined, the Default Sales Price Book is used.

  • Price Books Transfer

    Using the Sales price book ( Matrix Type field set to Transfer Price on the Matrix Definitions (tdpcg0110m000) session) , an internal sales price between two internal business partners can be specified. The functionality is similar to that of the triangular invoicing between a sales office/service department and a warehouse.


    LN considers the internal business partners linked to the enterprise units to search the price.

  • Item Service Prices

    The sales price defined on the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session is used. This price can also be used for the internal invoice. Item Service Price is used if Service Price Book and Price Book Transfer is not defined.