Contract Changes (tsctm3120m000)

Use this session to initiate, display and activate changes for a single contract.

You can use this session for following type of changes:


Use the Generate Contract Changes (tsctm3202m000) session to perform following changes on multiple contracts:

When you renew a service contract, you can change the effective date and the expiry date on the service contract header:


Service Contract
The service contract on which the changes are performed.
Contract Status
Change Number
The contract change number allows multiple changes for a contract.
The description of the type of service contract change.
Origin Contract Change Number
The contract change number on which the latest change is applied.
The description of the origin contract change number.
Creation Time
The date and time when the contract change is created.
Change Status
The status of the change. Following are the available values:
  • Free: The change is just initiated.
  • Active: The change is approved and committed.
Change Period
The time duration for which the changes applied to the contract are effective.
Change Period
The unit of the renewal period.
Effective Date
The date and time from when the contract change is active.
Change Date
The date and time when the change is initiated.
Expiry Date
The date on which the service contract expires. The expiry date is based on the Effective Date and the Change Period.
Indexation Template
The percentage by which the contract amount must be indexed is defined in the indexation template.
  • You must select a indexation template if type of contract change is indexation or renewal with indexation.
The description of the indexation template.
The penalty amount to process incidental changes to the service contract.
The currency of the penalty amount.
Calculated Sales Amount
The sales amount as calculated by the ERP.
Total Sales Amount
The new contract price resulting from the contract change. You can maintain the sales amount of a service contract for which the Recognize Revenue per Configuration checkbox is selected, by specifying the amount on the contract configuration line.
Open the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session to select the Recognize Revenue per Configuration checkbox.
Cost Amount
The total cost amount of the contract change. This amount is the aggregated cost amount of all related configuration lines.
Gross Margin
The gross margin (GM) expressed as a percentage.
Difference Amount
The difference between the new sales amount and the previous sales amount.
Earned Revenue Factor
When the Revenue Recognition method is either Earned Revenue Factor (Cost per Period) or Earned Revenue Factor (Cumulative Cost), the calculated Earned Revenue Factor (ERF) for the contract is displayed here.

For every contract change this field is updated, which allows for easy tracking of the ERF changes. The ERF is used for calculating the recognition amount. This value is used only if the Recognize Revenue per Configuration check box is cleared at the configuration.


Configuration Lines
Starts the Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m300) session.
Coverage Terms
Starts the Template Coverage Terms (tsctm1120m100) session.
Starts the Contract Installments (tsctm4100m000) session.
Starts the Contract Totals by Contract Change (tsctm1506m300) session.
Update Contract Prices
Starts the Global Update Contract Prices (tsctm3220m000) session.
Generate Configuration Lines
Starts the Generate Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm2210m000) session.
Activate Contract Change
Activates a contract change.
Update Ceiling Amounts
Starts the Update Ceiling Amounts (tsctm3210m000) session.

The option is available for all contract changes with status Free and updates the ceiling amount based on the percentage defined.