Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m300)

Use this session to maintain the configuration that is covered by the service contract. In this context configuration includes:


You can link an Installation group to more than one service contract, as long as the statuses of the service contracts are Free. If one of the involved service contracts becomes Active, the remaining service contracts cannot be set to Active for the same Installation group.



Service Contract
The code of the service contract.
Service Contract
The service contract status.
Contract Change
The contract change number.
Contract Change
The type of change carried out on the service contract:

If Original Contract is displayed, this indicates that the contract was not changed.

Contract Change
The status of the contract change.
Configuration Line
A list of configurations covered by a contract quotation, which will be covered by a service contract once the contract quotation becomes a service contract or which are related to a service-order quotation.
Line Type
The configuration line type:
  • Normal Line
  • Total Line
  • Calculation Line
If this check box is selected, sales prices can be defined for the service contract configuration line; the Contract Price Type fields are visible and the default value for Contract Price Type field is set to Time and Material.

This field is visible only if:

  • The Configuration line is set to Normal Line.
  • The Use Prices in Service Contracts e checkbox is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.
Contract Price Type
The Contract Price Type defined for the configuration line

Allowed values

Contract Price Type


This field is applicable only:

  • if configuration line is set to Normal Line.
  • if Prices checkbox is selected.
If this check box is selected, the coverage and cost terms can be defined for the configuration line.

This field is visible only if:

  • The configuration line is set to Normal Line.
  • The Use Prices in Service Contracts checkbox is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.
The project to which the cost is pegged.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

For more information, refer to

The description or name of the code.
The element that is linked to the project.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

The description or name of the code.
The activity that is linked to the project.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

The description or name of the code.
Calculated Cost Amount
The total cost amount of the configuration line. This amount consists of the aggregated cost amount of all coverage terms related to this configuration line.
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Cost Amount
The final cost amount of the configuration line. The calculated cost amount is taken as default amount.
If the pricing method is set to Item Pricing, the sales price is determined by taking the item and contract template for searching through contract item price lists. By default, the recommended sales price from the selected price list is taken.
The contract's currency.
The period for which the calculated sales price applies. By default, the validity period of the contract item price list is taken.
The period unit in which the calculated sales price is expressed.
The period for which the sales price applies.
The period unit in which the sales price is expressed.
Calculated Sales Amount
The sales price that is made applicable to the entire effectivity period of the configuration line.

Example: If the sales price is €500 per quarter and the configuration is effective for 1 year, the calculated gross sales amount is €2000.

Sales Amount
The sum of the sales amounts of all coverage terms that are associated with the indicated service type or term type.

If the pricing method is:

  • Budgeted Service Costs or Sales Value of Configuration, the sales amount is the sales price that is made applicable for the entire effectivity period of the configuration line.
  • Item Pricing, the calculated gross sales amount is used and the sales amount cannot be changed.
Surcharge Percentage
The surcharge/discount percentage.
Surcharge Amount
The amount according to the surcharge/discount percentage.
Gross Sales Amount
The sales amount added or subtracted with the surcharge/discount amount.
Scheme Discount
Net Sales Amount
The Gross Sales Amount minus the contract discount amount retrieved from the contract discount scheme.

The net sales amount is also taken into account for the effectivity period of the configuration line.

Gross Margin
The difference between the sales amount and the standard costs against standard costs.

How the gross margin is calculated depends on the setting of the Margin Base field in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.

Acronym: GM

If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Installation Group
A set of serialized items that have the same location and are owned by the same business partner. Grouping serialized items into an Installation group enables you to maintain them collectively.
Serial Number
serial number. You can manually enter the serial number. Following are the two possible conditions:

When the item number is specified

Enter the serialized item's existing serial number. Alternatively, you can use the browse arrow to select the serial number from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

When the item number is not specified

  • A serial number can be linked to one or more serialized items. When you enter the serial number that is linked to more than one serialized item, the Serialized Item (tscfg2100m000) session opens displaying all the items to which that serial number is linked. You can select any serialized item from the list. When you select the serialized item, the Description, Quantity, and Department fields are populated.
  • When you enter the serial number linked to only one serialized item, the Item, Description, Quantity, Department fields are populated.

In case the serial number entered is incorrect, LN displays an error message.

Installment Template
The installment template based on which installments will be generated for this configuration line only.
Discount Scheme
If services or terms of a warranty overlap with the services of a contract agreement for an item, a discount or reduction in terms on the contract price can be offered. The discount scheme defines the contract's discount percentage during the period when the warranty is valid for the item. This enables you to include an initial warranty period during which no invoices are sent to the customer. You can also use a discount scheme independently from a warranty, for example, if you agree on a once-only discount with the customer.
Origin Cont. Change
The contract change number.
Run Identification
A user-definable identification of the run in which the configuration line is generated.
Number of Items
If the configuration is an item, the number of items.
Related Installation Group
The installation group number.
Contract Template
The contract template number.
Pricing Method
The method indicating how the sales order price is determined.
Percentage of Sales Value
If the Pricing Method is Sales Value of Configuration, a percentage value.
Reference Activity
The smallest unit of work that is required to carry out maintenance.
Number of Activities
The number of times the reference activity is covered for this configuration line.
Effective Date
Depending on its context, an effective date can be the first day on which a contract quotation is valid, the first day on which a service contract is active, or the first day on which you can use a template for quotations or contracts. The effective date often includes the effective time.
Cont. Discount Date
The date from which the contract discount scheme is applicable.
Expiry Date
Depending on its context, an expiry date can be: The last day on which a contract quotation is valid. The default expiry date for a quotation is the quotation date + effectivity period of quotations [days], as set in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session; The last day on which a service contract is active. After this date it becomes expired; The last day on which you can use a template for quotations or contracts. Note that the expiry date often includes the expiry time.
Exclude from Renewal
If this check box is selected, this configuration line is excluded from contract renewal.

This option is only available if you create a contract change without changing the expiry date of the configuration line.


Coverage Terms
Starts the Contract Terms (tsctm1120m300) session.
Contract Changes
Starts the Contract Terms (tsctm1120m300) session.
Check Consistency
Use this command to have LN check this contract for inconsistent data.
Aggregate Calculation Lines
Starts the Service Contract Configuration Line Totals (tsctm1502m300) session.
Starts the Service Contract Configuration Line Totals (tsctm1502m300) session.
Installation Group Details
Starts the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) details session.
Item Details
Starts either the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) details session, or the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) details session.
Maintenance Planning
Starts the Planned Activities (tsspc2100m000) session.
Generate Subcontract Agreements
Starts the Generate Subcontract Agreements (tsctm1210m000) session.
Generate Configuration Lines
Use this command to generate new configuration lines.