Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000)

This session contains:

  • A history list of parameter sets and their effective dates. The most recent parameter sets are at the end of the list.
  • The current parameter set, at the top of the list (without an effective date). To view historical sets, double-click one of the historical parameter sets. You can use the Print Service Parameters (tsmdm0400m000) session to print and compare the parameter sets.

To view or change the current parameters, double-click the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list. The Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) details session starts.

If you make changes and save the new parameter setting, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set at the end of the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter setting was saved. To avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the default Description text.


Effective Date
The date and time from which the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of the most recent parameter setting.
The description of the parameter set. For example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.
Number Group
The default number group for service-contract quotations.
Effectivity Period
The number of days determines the (default) expiry date of a newly defined service-contract quotation.
Number of Copies
The number of extra quotation copies printed in the Print Contract Quotation Documents (tsctm2400m000) session.
This parameter indicates the quotation information that will be stored when a quotation is moved to history. The information is stored when you run the Copy Contract Quotations to History (tsctm2280m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History logging

Number Group
The default number group for service contracts.
Number of Copies
The number of extra contract copies printed in the Print Service Contract Documents (tsctm3400m000) session.
This parameter indicates the contract information that will be stored in the service-contract history. The information is stored when you run the Copy Service Contracts to History (tsctm3280m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History logging

Step Size for Quotation Term Number
The number that defines the sequence for the successive quotation coverage terms and cost terms. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive quotation coverage terms or cost terms are 10, 20, 30, and so on
Step Size for Quotation Configuration Line
The number that defines the sequence for the successive quotation configuration lines. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive quotation configuration lines are 10, 20, 30, and so on.
Use Prices in Service Contracts
If this check box is selected, sales prices can be defined on the service contract configuration line.

By default, the field is not checked.

Contract Gross Margin Control
If this check box is selected, the gross margin calculation is performed.

If the margin exceeds the lower or upper limit a warning appears.

Only if gross margin control is implemented, attributes related to gross margin are applicable.


If the Gross Margin check box is selected, the Base, Lower Margin and Upper Margin fields must be filled.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Unused concepts in Service

Select whether the gross margin is calculated based on the sales value or on the cost of sales.
Lower Margin
If the gross margin calculation exceeds this limit, LN gives a warning.

Allowed values

A percentage that is greater than zero.

Upper Margin
If the gross margin calculation exceeds this limit, LN gives a warning.
  • You must specify a percentage that is greater than zero.
  • The upper margin must be greater than or equal to the lower margin.
Search Path
The first level of the search path that Infor LN uses to retrieve the labor rate.

The labor rate can be defaulted from the following possible values defined for each level:

  • Department
  • Service Area
  • Serialized Item Group
  • Installation Group
  • Reference Activity
  • Task
  • Skill
  • Not Applicable
Recognize Revenue
Determines the method by which the revenue recognition process is to be handled.

Select either of the following:

  • Interactive
  • Direct by installment
Revenue Recognition Based on
Recognize Revenue per Configuration
If this check box is selected, revenue cognition is done per configuration of the contract. This will give additional information as to how much each of the configurations under the contract is contributing to the total revenue.

If this check box is cleared, revenue recognition is done for the contract as a whole.

Step Size for Contract Term Number
The number that defines the sequence for the successive contract coverage terms and cost terms. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive contract coverage terms or cost terms are 10, 20, 30, and so on.
Step Size for Contract Configuration Line
The number that defines the sequence for the successive contract configuration lines. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive contract configuration lines are 10, 20, 30, and so on.