The code that uniquely identifies the project.
Budget Costs of Work Scheduled by Period (tpptc5521m000)Use this session to display the generated planned value of an activity by period for a selected project and analysis code. The session also displays the time phased budget version and baseline for which the planned value is generated.
Project The code that uniquely identifies the project. Description The description or name of the code. Status The project status. Analysis Code The time phased budget analysis code. Version The code that uniquely identifies the time phased budget
version. Version The description or name of the code. Version The budget status. Baseline The code that uniquely identifies the baseline Description The description or name of the code. Status The status of the baseline. Activity The code that uniquely identifies the activity. Description The description or name of the code. Status The budget status of the activity. Period The period for which the planned value is calculated. Period The period. Cur. One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and
reports amounts. In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined: Material Amnt The planned value of the cost-type material. Labor Amount The planned value of the cost-type labor. Equipment Amnt The planned value of the cost-type equipment. Subcontracting Amnt The planned value of the cost-type subcontracting. Sundry Costs Amnt The planned value of the cost-type sundry cost. Total Amount The total amount.
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