Top Down Budget Version (tpptc5500m000)

Use this session to list the current top down budget versions for the selected project, and display a summary of their details.

The associated maintenance session is the Budget Version (tpptc5100s000) session. You can delete a version using the Delete Budget Version Data (tpptc5201m000) session.

To support changes in a project you can create multiple versions. To avoid the duplication of data, you can use a derived-from version structure. A top down budget version has a status to ensure that LN can find the currently used version. The version status can be used when generating a top down budget.


The code that uniquely identifies the project.
Project Status

If the project status is Active, a new version cannot be added and an existing version cannot be copied.

The code that identifies the top down budget version.
Version Status
The status of the top down budget version.

You can only change the status from Free to Actual:

  • If there is no other version with the Actual status.
  • If there is no earlier version with the Free status.

If you want to change the version status from Actual to Final, no earlier version (in the same project) can exist with the status Free or Actual.

If you change the version status from Actual to Free, you must clear the Start Time field.

Changing the version status from Free to Actual, the Start Time field must be filled.

If you change the version status from Actual to Final, for each activity stored in this version, the Budget Status field in the Top Down Budget Data (tpptc5110s000) session is set to Final.

TPB Generated
If this check box is selected, a time-phased budget has been generated for this top-down version.
Creation Time
The date on which the top down budget version was created.
Start Time
The date and time on which the version status updates from Free to Actual.
If the project is performed in another country, the project currency is useful for monitoring. This currency can be an external currency that is not specified as one of the home currencies.
Contract Amnt
The contract amount of the project contract. For a time phased budget version, the contract amount is expressed as:
Contract amount = profit fee + management reserve  + distributed budget + undistr. budget.
Profit Fee
In a time-phased budget version, the profit retained by the company that performs the project. The profit fee is expressed as:
Profit fee = contract amount - (management reserve  + distributed budget + undistr. budget) or 
Profit fee = contract amount - management reserve - distributed budget  - undistr. budget.
Management Res
A contingency fund for unanticipated occurrences, which reduces the risk of scope changes. In a time-phased budget version, this is the amount that is withheld for control purposes rather than distributed to the activity structure or retained for profit. Management reserve is expressed as:
Management reserve = contract amount - (profit fee + distributed budget + undistr. budget) 
Management reserve = contract amount - profit fee - distributed budget - undistr. budget
Distr. Budget
The top-down budget part that is distributed across the activities.

You can look at a distributed budget on various levels:

  • For activities: the distributed budget equals the budget that is already distributed to the lower level activities.
  • For the version: the distributed budget equals the budget assigned to the top activity of the activity structure. This can at most be equal to the sum of the contract amount minus profit fee minus management reserve